there is still hope im 30 and have my own electrical contracting business in sydney and i have employed persons of all ages my newst employee is 55 years old <br />ok hes not as quick as the young ones but i belive that he has a lot of years of knowhow to bring to my business plus im in a sector of the electrical game that requires less fuckups than speed <br />but it is true that a lot of bigger firms will not hire the older guys and thats why the small buisness always gives better service because we hire on experince and reliblity not age plus the owner of the buisness most likely does the interveiw not some dickhead out of uni thats ment to be HR expert <br />so to all the aging masters outthere dont giveup try some of the smaller business <br />just remeber one thing NO OWES YOU A LIVING EXPCEPT YOURSELF SO DONT GO TO THE INTERVIEW WITH A BAD ATTUIDE AND DONT GIVE UP IF NO ONE HIRES YOU START YOUR OWN BUISNESS REMEBER THE BLOKE WHO STARTED KFC WAS 65 YEARS OLD WHEN HE STARTED IT ANY THING IS POSSIBLE<br /><br />If unsure of how to start i can help point you in the right direction <br />just think of the service you could provide to the communtity the less people looking for work drives up the cost of labour and every one wins <br /><br />just think of something that company A is doing wrong and make you new buisness do it right the littist ideas become the best most lucritive <br />eg <br />the speed hump <br />the hula hoop <br />a lawn mower<br />vecro<br />post it notes<br />liqiud paper <br />paper clips<br /><br />you get the driff <br /><br />and the customers out there in the real world dont mine how old the buisness owner <br /> funny how it works in reverse the older you are the more consumers will trust you <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/default/smile.gif" /> <br /><br />ps on the fake age trick there is laws about fraud so be carefull<br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/default/shocked.gif" />