Jason<br />How are you? Yes its funny isn't it I "NEVER" let anyone touch anything of mine, I dont give a shit what it is I always prefer doing it myself because I know I can do a better job.<br />The Problem is Would you let this Company touch your gearbox again,,,,,No its too easy to sabotage the Gearbox so it stuffs up later,I prefer to chase him for changing unnecessary Parts (had the Rear mount and sensor tested today by a friend of mine (mechanic)"NO PROBLEMS".<br />The R.A.C.Q (NRMA DOWN SOUTH)up here will get a call tomorrow from me complaining about unnecessary changing of parts that dont need to be replaced,lots of repair shops up here have been in trouble for over servicing 'A CURRENT AFFAIR" has caught heaps they will also get my call.<br />These pathetic repair shops dont they realise that the customer could be anyone working for their dreaded most feared department. They are stupid because they must know I am going to tell everone I talk too,or maybe they think I am going to forget about it after a week "I AM MALTESE" I am even thinking of to go to church and going to the confession box and when the Priest opens his little window I am going to say "FATHER I HAVE SINNED I HAVE TAKEN MY COMMODORE TO A RIP OFF MERCHANT " THE BRAKE STOPP" DONT TAKE YOUR CAR THERE HE IS DISHONEST,Yes I dont give a fuck where I go, I AM GOING TO TELL EVERYONE, I AM EVEN GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT IN MY SLEEP you know me Jason this rip off merchant will regret this $319 he scored off me because my mouth alone will be worth more than that. I was busy today, working but I won't be tomorrow.<br />Phil <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" />