dohOh, OK, I see what you're saying. I just naturally assumed that you meant that you couldn't get the link to work, since I had that same problem @ first.

I noticed in the last week, since trying to use the alt symbols on AUS-CITY, that they work on my emails (the yahoo ones) & Facebook. But when I tried to use them in our AUS-CITY PMs to each other, it just came out as a bunch of numbers. However, they do seem to work in the AC chat box.
I don't know why that is. Try it in an e-mail through something other than AC. Then try it in the chat box on AC. Other than that, all I can say is that it mentioned on the Alt web page, to make sure your number-lock is on. But I'm sure you already read that on the Alt page. So, I guess I'm just as confused as you are. So sorry A.

Oh & just in case you didn't read the web page, it also says to release the two keys (Alt & what ever number key you need) at the same time. I hope something in this reply helps ya. dunno