Phil<br />Thats disgusting paying for you own personal records, I agree with Colin T and I have heard similar scandals. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" /> <br />I don't know whats wrong these days its all about money, very few doctors work from their heart. Cathy you are unreal and I agree with you this does happen and it happens in all professions and industries, the owner gets rich and the worker gets screwed from labourers to doctors.<br />As of bulk billing our doctor stopped, but our new doctor around the corner completely bulk bills, but like Cathy said its BATTERY HENS method, or what I call turnstile Doctors, in and out in 10 minutes.<br />About paying for your records I didn't pay for mine being sent across, whats next?, paying to use their toilet?.<br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/default/confused.gif" /> <br />Peter