Ok the top bit says it all - I'm sure that the current fiasco is going to cost gibgib and others a lot of time and money. I know that there has been offers of help put all around the place for some time now but we have never tried to organise any of this.
I'm not net/social network savvy enough to organise something other than an email repository for those who would like to register their willingness to put up some money in the near future.
As we are guests on this site i don't think it is appropriate that we flood the site with I'll help notes so i have set up an email address which should be readily accessible to everyone and doesn't need you to be under thirty to understand. There is no where to send money to - it is not a place for that - purely to a place to show monetary support for gibgib and the others that have done/are doing/willdo a lot of voluntary work on our behalf. If, and when there is a call for money it will be done totally independantly of this email adress and well publized on AF.
I have nominated $100 but there may those that feel that they would like to vary that amount can do so - it will be purely discretionary when a call is made for whatever by whoever.
Just post your name in the subject line of an email to
ihave passed on the password to gibgib so he can track its progress and i will try and update this note regularly with the number of responses