Thanks for the feedback.

You are not Twitter is also very one-sided! Thanks for saying it is useful for keeping up with the latest posts here.

D set up an auto-tweet thing so that the posts from here go to my twitter without my help. At the moment, I use Twitter primarily for the tweet feeds I get of the latest news in spirit things that interest me (I'm always on the hunt for more, good, unique feeds - which are rare). Other than that, I like to retweet things that really touch me. So basically, I do 3 things: have my forum auto-tweeted, follow others, and retweet others.
I'm learning so much from being involved with Twitter. What I thought it would do for me initially, is not what it is morphing into. As I said, it is more helpful for the following, or for searching current events, than for sharing with others back and forth.
The whole "followers" things has been very eye-opening. I was amazed at first to see that some people who had very little to say had thousands of followers. I was perplexed...

, but then I saw some tweets that led to a screen in which you could "buy" followers!

What is the point of that?! You'd still be tweeting to nobody essentially.
A few time I would feel happy when I'd get a couple of followers, someone likes my posts. Maybe they are into the same things as I am. So I'd go to their profile and see that quite often they were just selling something. I started realizing they follow you in hopes you'll follow them or buy from them. And then sometimes I'd get a follower or two who I could feasibly see having some similar interests, but then they suddenly stop following, leaving me to think they probably were also "fishing" for followers and not interested in my posts at all.

I really should just stop looking at followers at all!
And some people actually follow hundreds or a thousand people! I can't imagine how they sort through all those tweets received (if they even do). I think that the plot of sharing and receiving what one really wants gets lost in the concept of vanity and "look how many friends I have."
Yes, what an interesting twisting path Twitter has been to explore. And yet, it is an amazing way to share and receive news/information instantaneously. I've found the greatest treasures thanks to the tweeters I follow. I wouldn't want to be without it now!