You're welcome. Yep, I can't rightly figure out what the draw of twitter is to a regular person. I've made quite a few tweets, but apparently, no one sees them unless they're a follower and paying attention?
Although, I understand why entertainers, businesses and websites like it for updates.
You're right about folks and followers and followings, it's like a collector that wants as many as they can get. The other 'friendy' communities has many members like that too. For the life of me I can't understand why an average person with no commercial interest would want 100's or 1000's of people on their friends list. I guess it makes them feel better about themselves and not so alone.

(I like the little shrug gremlin.)
My followers are much like the ones you mention. I figure it's a financial fishing trip for a couple of them and they'll disappear soon. They do come and go quickly....
I haven't heard of buying followers. I agree, you'd still be shouting alone in a crowd.
Twitter has been hiccuping today...
and we're having storms... so life on the net has been less than smooth for me trying to surf with out hassles.

But I'm hoping I can comment some more before the electric goes off again...