Yeah, the commentary could have been lighter and less! But it was the video I liked so. Oh well! chuckle

I get what you mean by "slapping the old fear-factor on it". Though I find it interesting, the idea of this looking like a horse thus being one of the horsemen of the apocalypse. I'm always looking for the signs, too, though finding them clearly and in order seems almost as impossible as expecting to suddenly get 100 genuine Twitter followers. chuckle Potential signs don't scare me though...not much. wink Oh if only we could really be in such control of reality that all the signs were displayed exactly as prophecized by the Bible, or the Mayans, etc., etc., and in the right order, and blatantly obvious. And in the end if January 2013 comes around and nothing has happened, I swear(!) I'm not going to look at one more supposed symbol or sign (well, probably not look for them as much). *my attempts at humour here, mixed with a bit of truth of course*

Okay, but your point is also really good! The signs wouldn't only be visible by telescope. But maybe by telescope as well as elsewhere though, simultaneously? Perhaps the signs are really all around us in everything, and maybe what you look for is what you find. dunno