I read in the news that a man riding his bike at Surfer's Paradise hit a pile of dead black beetles on the footpath (he thought it was a puddle of water) and crashed breaking his hip, collarbone, and ribs.

Then I saw this video of the swarms of these beetles:

It struck a chord of synchronicity with me because this week D and I were up the coast, only as far as Coff's Harbour, yet all weekend D kept pointing out to me swarms of insects. He normally never points out such things as insects, but he did this at least 3 times and once on the way home as we drove under a viaduct where he said, "Did you see that huge swarm of bugs, they looked like butterflies." I missed seeing them though. But I did find it very odd that he kept seeing and pointing out these bugs and I even said a few times, what's up with your attention to insects lately? He'd just shrug. dunno2

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