Every enthusiastic scientist knows that once you reach a certain level of specialization, there are very few people in your immediate surroundings that actually understand what you say. Eyes of family and friends get a bit glassy when you tell them about the SIR2 homologs, and nobody wants to look at your C. elegans’ baby pictures. Luckily, this day and age there’s no need to wait until the next conference to talk about your research, because you can blog all about it.

Last post we talked about self-citation in scientific literature. This time, we’re going to talk about self-citation in science blogs, because I’ve done some research about the subject and want to share. I apologize in advance for repeating things known to those who’ve read my previous posts .


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Source: Self-citing bloggers: my research is the coolest thing ever (let me tell you all about it!)

David Cottle

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