High school students often get creative celebrating their homecoming week. But one 17-year-old senior just won over the internet with her school spirit.

Brandon Valley High School in South Dakota celebrated homecoming this week, and for Monday’s “Salad Dressing Day,” the senior class was assigned the theme of “ranch.” While most students dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls, Carson Haase took the theme literally.

She showed up as a big bottle of ranch.

When she posted pictures of her spirit day outfit later that night, the internet just couldn’t handle it. Her friends, however, weren’t surprised.

She’s hilarious, and it’s finally getting noticed,” Haase’s friend and classmate Payton Roesch told local newspaper the Argus Leader. “It was literally overnight, and I think that’s the coolest thing ever. I’m lucky to be friends with the Ranch Girl.”

Haase enlisted the help of her friend and a friend’s dad to make the cardboard costume, BuzzFeed reported.

“I was really nervous about what people would say because I knew I’d be the only one dressed like that,” Haase told the news site.

She told the Argon Leader that her larger-than-life costume was inspired by her late friend Brittany Corcoran, whose suicide in March taught Haase to “live in the moment” and wear whatever she wanted.

“She taught me a lot of things,” Haase told the newspaper. “How to be strong in bad situations [and] that it honestly doesn’t matter what people thought because there will always be people that like you anyway.”

Now that Haase has reached new levels of internet fame, she has officially been dubbed social media’s Ranch Girl.

And she seems comfortable with the acclaim.

“I’m from a small town in South Dakota, but now I’m famous for dressing like a ranch bottle,” Haase told BuzzFeed. “I think that’s hilarious.”

If you need some ideas for your next Halloween costume, check out Haase’s genius outfit below.

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Source: [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2016/09/23/ranch-girl-spirit-week_n_12164492.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News]Teen Takes Her South Dakota High School's 'Ranch Day' To The Next Level[/url]