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I have had to shut off my PM service on this site because of someones abuse to me but Hespera do you work for Child Safety or any other Departments that it related to it and if so I can open my PM service for a short time so I can receive an answer from you.

Last edited by Julie; Fri 10 Oct 2008 03:13:PM.
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You crawled out of the gutter again Julie? God help families if you ever get a position in The Department of Child Safety.

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And just think the Department already has plenty of Julie's working for them. They see one thing but interpret it the wrong way.

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Originally Posted by Julie
I have had to shut off my PM service on this site because of someones abuse to me but Hespera do you work for Child Safety or any other Departments that it related to it and if so I can open my PM service for a short time so I can receive an answer from you.

See Julie you have the makings of a DOCS CSO.
SECRECY, DENIAL, and no transparency.

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Sorry I probably didn't explain myself very well, it was late at night when I posted it.

I wasn't saying that you think it's okay to bash anyone or physically bash CSO's. I was just saying that I disagree with you on the importance of the new law being passed.

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Originally Posted by Julie
I have had to shut off my PM service on this site because of someones abuse to me but Hespera do you work for Child Safety or any other Departments that it related to it and if so I can open my PM service for a short time so I can receive an answer from you.

I won't be giving you any private messages I'm affraid. I certainly won't be giving you any advice or help in the area of trying to obtain employment through the Child Safety or any other Department because people like you shouldn't be working there.

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Hello all,

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Firstly, Hespera it is great that you play the devil's advocate here and your comments are cerainly appreciated and considered.
I do agree that dealing with families is very challenging.
But as I said there is one way to say something and another way to say something. I do believe (from personal experience) that some CSO's are bullies and would prevoke some parents to get angry. I am concerned that some CSO's will use this knowledge to further prevoke some parents. As a mental health nurse I work in a high risk area for aggressive behaviours, for this reason we are given a 5 day aggression management training. I must admit after some 17 or so years working in this area I haven't been punched or assulting (yet - touch wood) (that includes maximum security wings too).
I wonder how much training docs workers are given? Maybe our friend Julie could inform us? And Julie just how do you know you can be an effective team player when you haven't even been appointed to a position within docs yet?
I think you are a complete wind up.
But good for the entertainment side of this forum - so keep writing Julie! We all want to think 'what the...' after reading your comments.
I would like to echo what 'lovingmykids' wrote.
Not all parents who docs remove children from their care are drug affected, history of violence, criminals or mentally insane, nor in a DV relationship! One needs to realise this.
I certainly didn't fit any of those categories. I get the impression some readers think (reading on altnews as well)that some people are deluded to think that there is a certain type of parent out there that deal with docs. One must realise it is a legal game and docs don't like to back down.
It is also interesting when in a space of 12 months docs are taking you through their hoops and then in that same space of time you are now representing your clients that are facing docs in the same rooms where docs were discussing you. And not to mention that the same docs workers are present in both meetings. How does that one work?
It is just a game.
And an expensive legal game for the parent/ family, tax payer etc. Oh, I forgot to mention the child - but that is really an after thought from what I see in my world.
Bye for now.

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Hey Julie PM me. I have had experience on both sides of the counter with docs. My eyes are wide open.

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I looked in this mornings Courier Mail and spotted nothing about the new law changes, also I checked Fridays paper, not unless I missed it somehow

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Originally Posted by Hespera
Sorry I probably didn't explain myself very well, it was late at night when I posted it.

I wasn't saying that you think it's okay to bash anyone or physically bash CSO's. I was just saying that I disagree with you on the importance of the new law being passed.

Yes Hespera late nights can do things like this to all of us.

In life you have to be fair, If its good enough for the Goose, it' good enough for the gander. I don't ask much and I have repeated this very early in my posting long time ago.
New laws should be introduced to protect Child Safety Officers from bashing's from the angry public but at the same time to make it fair new Laws should have been introduced to protect the public against any sort of corruption from our police right down to lying DOCS CSO's. Laws need to change here for accountability and Compensation for the abused..

Its the Bathurst V8 supercar car race this weekend so why not remind all of us what I overheard last year at a Bathurst BBQ party over a friend place.
A copy is below, have a read and this alone will tell you what today the public have to put up with.

Well watching Channel Nine News last night (15/10//07)I just caught a segment about Queensland police getting caught in their own speed cameras. It was interesting once again thanks to the freedom of information ACT and a good reporter that reported this but I would like to add my two bobs worth.
See what attracted my attention to this story was the high percentage of police whilst on or possibly off duty that were booked for speeding but it was the case of an outrageous percentage of them that write a letter to the department with a reason why they were speeding and they get off. Now as I said I just caught this story by a second so I don't exactly remember the percentage that get off but it was high and I can tell you this that the average Tom Dick and Harry that has been caught speeding has got BUCKLEY'S chance of getting off as easy as the off or on duty Police do so how do they do it? Haaaaaa easy!!

No I'm not saying where I got this info from but some of us unfortunately have relatives or friend in the Police service and yes they do enjoy a drink at a BBQ and yes the drink has a habit of loosening a few tongues and this is what I over heard at a Bathurst 1000 party that got my ears ringing.
See what is getting around the traps in the Police service is just say an off or on duty Police officer is driving his or her private or Police car on a public road and in a split second they unfortunately get zapped by a speed camera for speeding and they know that they have been busted what they do is accelerate and pull over the first car that just happen to be in front of them.
Now they will pull the car over for any reason like Sir/Madam why were you drifting in your lane, or your brake light are coming on and off or whatever stupid or silly reason they can use to pull the car in front of them over so they can get details, times and whatever needed so the off or on duty cop can write his or her letter saying this was the reason why he or she was speeding.
I find this what I heard absolutely disgusting and outrageous that we have a law for the common person and we have a loophole for the Police.
What I would like for the General public to do is if you pass a speed camera and you are not speeding whatsoever and for some reason just after or kms later down the road you get pulled over for whatever reason by anyone on or off duty and they just happens to flash a badge at you and ask for your details which you give him or her ask for his or her name and service number (They could refuse or ask why?), also get details, time, "etc" of the car they are driving and number plate and report them to the CMC (Crimes Misconduct Commission)You never know you could be lucky, See if the CMC investigate and it just happens the Police officer gives them the same excuse (I bet the excuses would be similiar)as they put in their letter to get off the fine the CMC will know that the Police Officer in question is on the nose, and after this message on this forum gets around they might think twice before pulling this swifty again.
Remember all, the way I look at it the Police are not above the law and they should be treated equally like the rest of us.
Now let me see where is the phone number for the CMC.

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Originally Posted by Hespera
Originally Posted by Julie
I have had to shut off my PM service on this site because of someones abuse to me but Hespera do you work for Child Safety or any other Departments that it related to it and if so I can open my PM service for a short time so I can receive an answer from you.

I won't be giving you any private messages I'm affraid. I certainly won't be giving you any advice or help in the area of trying to obtain employment through the Child Safety or any other Department because people like you shouldn't be working there.

The trouble is there is always a possibility that people like Julie will Conn her way to employment with DOCS and that alone is a worry

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found it.

found on news site

Tougher Qld laws for child neglect

Published 9:47a.m. 10th October 2008

Updated 11:27a.m. 10th October 2008

Queenslanders can now challenge one another to duels but face gaol for leaving their children unsupervised.

Assaults on frontline public servants, such as child safety officers will attract the same penalties as assaults on police or prison officers under sweeping reforms to the state's criminal law.

Attorney-General Kerry Shine said the Criminal Code and Other Acts Amendment Bill, passed by State Parliament Thursday night, equipped Queensland with a criminal code that reflected a contemporary society.

"There were some obvious areas that needed to be refocused - obsolete provisions such as the offence of challenging a person to a duel - which have been repealed," Mr Shine said.

"But the amendments also introduce new offences into the code, one specifically aimed at parents and carers who leave their children unsupervised for an unreasonable period."

Parents and carers who leave children aged under 12 abandoned in public places, vehicles or home alone for unreasonably long periods face three years in prison.

The changes include an increase from two years to 14 years in prison for an accessary to manslaughter or attempted murder.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Fri 10 Oct 2008 09:58:PM.
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Can you please PM me the Criminal Code so I can add it to my collection.

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Originally Posted by WantsJustice
Originally Posted by I Hate GOV, DEPT
Originally Posted by Crow

Have a read of this Child Safety mess.
Its a fucking mile long. Some of these women today must dedicate there lives in getting back at docs

Yet another.

Yes this is yet another, and this is the man I am fighting for. Read it and u will see what damage they have done for years and have covered up for years also, the proof of innocence is there waiting for it to become public, and hopefully obtain the freedom so much desired. But can you imagine how many years of pain and torture he has suffered at the hands of the department. Can this ever get rectified. Are they making it harder, because we were getting closer....not sure, he wrote on his blog like this as he has a record of all events, and the Department watch his blogs, and have even commented of late that he is stirring up trouble.... he is now living in a slum with no internet access.

I like your avatar WantsJustice

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I also like your signature
"What happened to Innocent until proven guilty "
The above disappears as soon as DOCS knocks on your door.

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Back again.

Thanks for finding that news article ihategov.

Also thanks for the links that you post here.

Once I said to the docs worker so why take my child and scutinise me yet I am fully aware of cases in the community where there looks to be serious cases of neglect going on.
She said because we are only aware of you and not them.
Hmm, discrimination. Everyone should be scrutinised I thought - enter my crazy thought about maybe docs should take every child off every parent at birth. Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

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This paper parallels what we are all voicing on this forum.
This paper describes accurately our encounters with docs.

"...The system has been perverted and now it must be restored with a bright light of the public knowledge.
REAL accountability
REAL law
REAL rights for the people of Queensland..."

Yes, I will shout it from the roof tops!

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Hello again,

Did you read that link about child takers text yet?


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It makes very long interesting reading.

It shows you this problem is world wide and here in Australia its only the tip of the iceberg.

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You are correct!

Have you noticed the similarity between whats on that article and whats we have been complaining about on this forum.

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Well we have grabbed someones attention because we now have 39,000 views and if you check the entire aus-city site just about the total of other thread don't add up to this one call THE MOST HATED GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT.
This is very important DOCS, I am not like a dog shit that dries up and the winds blows it away, I will be here for the long haul and soon my kids will be allowed to post on the forum the abuses you did to them.

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You might notice I mainly talk about DOCS, but I have an F.O.I document from SCAN TEAM that will interest the public and after I reveal this it will be about time I start on another Government monster, the Gestapo counselling services that don't counsel anybody call SACS (Sexual Abuse Counselling Services).
(PS this mob does not Counsel kids,its a phishing platform for DOCS/JAB/Crown)but what damage is done here to the children if the parents are genuinely innocent. Just think about that, would you like 3 fat, obese bad breath heavy weights trying to set up your 8 year old child in different rooms?. The last time this type of interrogation (Mind you SACS call this counselling) was done was by the NAZI SS back in WW2.

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This is how fucked SACS are (Or better still want to set you up). Do you know they ask all your kids to draw some pretty pictures because they say they are running late or some crap, so to fill the time draw us some pictures and they give the kids some paper and crayons to draw some pretty pictures but the only problem is in the middle of the table they have around 15 crayons and out of those 15 crayons only 3 were classified as light coloured crayons.

For People reading this that don't understand this, children that draw nasty pictures or any picture in darker colours means that child has been sexually abused.
Do you think this is fair that SACS was stacking the cards in its favour by only have 3 out of 15 crayons in the lighter color?.
See my 15 year old daughter being an artist picked it as she complains at home that she always wants a full range of inks when she does her paintings.
This was reported IMMEDIATELY TO MY SOLICITOR and to two other professionals and LOGGED.

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Oh isn't that so typical and hardly see through! Good on the 15 year old to pick that up. See Dchs think our kids are silly but once they are fully aware of Dchs lies and know they are liars, the kids catch on quicker than us parents.

My kids have informed me of letters they don't get and were told by Dchs that the posty delivers them late...that's right they blame another Gov't dept, Australia Post for the lateness in delivering my letters. So wankerish...ooooh that felt good to be able to say a slang word and not be considered a neglectful and abusive parent.

Julie - Nice not to see your one sided opinion around here. If you can't get through the interview process, no point complaining to us...but what I really would like to know is do you view all parents as abusive and neglectful b/c if that's the case, you yourself are under the same title and therefore you should investigate yourself as practice before you start on others.

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This is very important what I am about to say so please read it carefully and read it again.
If you were selected to sit as a Juror or just say you were bored one day with nothing to do and you decided to do something different and just walk off the street, walk into the Supreme or District Courts in George st Brisbane, you walk into a District Court building and look on the wall for cases for today (which you don't know what they are until you sit in them). You walk into a court room that has the OPEN sign so any member of the public can walk in and sit in the rear in the public gallery.
Now you sit up the back and I bet you that you will have an 80% chance that the court room that you are sitting in will be a child sex case, and if not try your luck in another court room because you will find one GUARANTEED!.

The next bit is the very important bit. When a Department of Child Safety CSO is put on the stand (witness Box)the evidence that they give is very similar in all cases and maybe one day I will let you know how I know this but a big but!! Just say the Prosecution puts a DOCS expert on the stand and the Prosecutor asks the expert (not saying what capacity as you can work that one out for yourself) a few questions about abused children they will always and I mean always come out with this bit of evidence when they don't really have any, of some drawing drawn by a child or a group of Children. The Prosecutor asks the expert for expert advice (remember in court opinions are not allowed) they will tell you that in all cases that they know that a child draws dark or mostly dark drawings this is a sign that the child has been sexually abused.
Now this information is fed to the jury as they are listening and as a jury they have no reason not to believe firstly the Child Safety officer, followed by the expert that is supposedly qualified in this field giving evidence that these dark/darker colored drawings are a big sign that a child has been abused.
Talk about stacking the DECK OF CARDS to suit the Crown for an unsuspecting Jury, the jury has not got a clue how crooked the system is, maybe I should sit outside a court building educating anyone that walks past what really goes on oooOOHH I bet they would get rid of me or find a trumped up charge to arrest me doing my duty as a citizen warning all that sometimes what you see is not what you get. I wonder if the Defence Lawyers know this?, maybe its time for someone to tell them all about what DOCs and SACS do because the above happened to my children where they, DOCS and SACS asked my three Children to draw pretty pictures where only 3 out of 15 Crayons were of a light colour which would force a child to use darker colours to draw.
Please all I have a mile of Shonky information like the one above. Actually just say the above is called "TRICK 1". What would you say if I had another 18 or 20 more that they use to confuse and brainwash the Jury?.
Trust me in the disgusting ranks out of ten from one to ten this one rates about 4.

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Well IHateGOV DEPT let us know more tricks so that we are fully informed...pretty please...

I noticed this update on the Child Safety Practice Manual and it refers to the recording of Dept'l workers being allowed with procedures for them to follow in relation to also publishing of material on websites and they must read them let alone search for them...

Thought this would interest you's...they're reading and watching...

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And this is the reason I don't mention names for the moment. and I do have a surprise for them but firstly I want the CMC to see it followed by any takers on Today Tonight and ACA and after that its COMPO TIME.

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After all they invaded my privacy.

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Don't you like this bit!
Do not attend the interview alone.

Funny its good for the GOOSE (DOCS) but not for the GANDER (THE PUBLIC).
Read one of my very early post on what to do and what not to do.
You will find that if you ever have to go to a DOCS office they want you to be alone. I HAVE MANY TIMES said NEVER EVER GO ALONE and this is EXACTLY what they teach their bullies to do.
Funny how the rules change when the boots are on the other foot.
Ohhhhh well DOCS and SACS Now tell me do you video kids in a room privately when nobody else is in there except children
Could you believe this is my Number 2 on my list of what they do. but I haven't told what and how they try to set the kids up before they put them into a room by themselves.
Haa you will have to wait for all the rest as the CMC will be the next to know.(PS the above has 80% cut out to what I would like to say)

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Sat 11 Oct 2008 10:32:PM.
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I wish I was the CMC!

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And tell me DOCS

If the Servers is off shore say in a country of non extradition, And Say you live in that Country, like an example a Russian guy I meet in the ?????????????? many months ago with a problem with DOCS you can run Video to your heart content and there is FUCK ALL YOUR LAWYERS, THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT OR DOCS CAN DO ABOUT IT in a non extradition country!!! You can try to block it but as you know it will only pop back up..
Links can be asked to be removed that take you to that terroble DOCS hating site but not necessary have to be removed on any site in this country so get that into you.
Of course the above is disgraceful if any person ever done something like this and myself being a person of high standards I would never condone the above.

By the way DOCS instead of covering your arses to hide the rotten truth about yourself how about putting the same effort with the Government to try to stop Child Pornography that is on the internet today.
Better still remove all Pornography, its not needed.

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Originally Posted by LovingMyKids
I wish I was the CMC!

The trouble with the CMC is when you firstly go to them with a DOCS complaint they try to parm you off back to the complaints section with DOCS which is a mine field and a total waste of time.

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You Talk about someone defaming a person over the internet.
This one took the cake and they could just about do noting about it and you can't get any higher in QLD than our premier Peter Beattie. Boy O boy this guy really stuck it into the premier so DOCS you have no chance if someone ever wanted to get back at your corrupt workers via the internet.

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And it took plenty of months to stop him and he did something as disgusting as this. Mind you its not easy to remove someones name from the internet and considering he did a lot worse buy registering a domain name of an individual and attaching it to another site.
Trust me it was hot!, the feds closed it but it popped back up elsewhere with a different address and this went on and on.
But at least was eventually removed of that idiot but at the end of the day he got his message through.



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I have read all the above comments.
So I think it means even if you have taped these docs workers saying ridiculous things to you I cannot play it back to anyone? Is that what it means? I've got quite a bit of inane conversation recorded on tape with the then CSO. Does this mean I cannot even let my child listen to it when they are older?
You need to tape them in order to play back to yourself later so that you realise that you are not imagining what they said.

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I cant remember where i read it as I havent been on all day but I noticed you mentioned about your daughter and they way they twisted what she said and did.

Same thing with us, they interviewed my daughter, mind you, without me present, they knew I was at work, and they told my daughter my partner was grooming her.

My partner and I have bought things together for all the kids, and this one instance, we both discussed that he wanted to buy her something special for her birthday, reason for this was he wasnt going to be there for her birthday, he was supposedly meant to be going back to QLD, for a month to try and sort out the issues with the Department, but they even stopped that by arresting him again. He bought her a nice dress and shoes. That is it. She had a choice to wear it at her birthday party or save it for graduation. Purely Innocent, but they twisted it around as though he was grooming her. Talk about a twisted deparment.....

What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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Originally Posted by thisisgood

I have read all the above comments.
So I think it means even if you have taped these docs workers saying ridiculous things to you I cannot play it back to anyone? Is that what it means? I've got quite a bit of inane conversation recorded on tape with the then CSO. Does this mean I cannot even let my child listen to it when they are older?
You need to tape them in order to play back to yourself later so that you realise that you are not imagining what they said.

Yes I have been told by a lawyer you cant tape the conversation at the other end, or u must ask them permission to tape the conversation. But in all honestly you have to because they change the conversation to suit them, when making their affidavits. My partner had a conversation taped with someone, and this person said, "Get out of Townsville, and never come back".....Uncanny, thats what he did, and they are still following him......

What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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Originally Posted by thisisgood

I have read all the above comments.
So I think it means even if you have taped these docs workers saying ridiculous things to you I cannot play it back to anyone? Is that what it means? I've got quite a bit of inane conversation recorded on tape with the then CSO. Does this mean I cannot even let my child listen to it when they are older?
You need to tape them in order to play back to yourself later so that you realise that you are not imagining what they said.

You can play back a tape or video recording as long as it is not published and communicated to any person. Now according to the Confidentiality section of the Child Protection Act Section 6 part 185, publish is by means of television, radio, newspaper or any other form of communication (I would assume this also means internet??). I think this is where personal information would be made public, be it about the CSO or about your own case or the case of another person, or something that identifies a child in care.

I think being able to tape record a CSO's is a good thing because it means that not only can you remember what they have said later on but it can also be helpful if the CSO's turns around and says they didn't say something which you have a recording of!

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Originally Posted by WantsJustice
Originally Posted by thisisgood

I have read all the above comments.
So I think it means even if you have taped these docs workers saying ridiculous things to you I cannot play it back to anyone? Is that what it means? I've got quite a bit of inane conversation recorded on tape with the then CSO. Does this mean I cannot even let my child listen to it when they are older?
You need to tape them in order to play back to yourself later so that you realise that you are not imagining what they said.

Yes I have been told by a lawyer you cant tape the conversation at the other end, or u must ask them permission to tape the conversation. But in all honestly you have to because they change the conversation to suit them, when making their affidavits. My partner had a conversation taped with someone, and this person said, "Get out of Townsville, and never come back".....Uncanny, thats what he did, and they are still following him......

You can tape any conversation you have with a CSO, but they do have the right to refuse just as you have the right to refuse them taping you. They legally can't make you not tape the conversation, but if they refuse and you continue to tape they can end the conversation just as you have the right to do. I feel that if they have nothing to hide then there shouldn't be a problem with them allowing you to tape the conversation. If they won't let you tape it, bring someone in with you who can take notes for you. CSO's take notes, why can't you!

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Originally Posted by I Hate GOV, DEPT

Well we have grabbed someones attention because we now have 39,000 views and if you check the entire aus-city site just about the total of other thread don't add up to this one call THE MOST HATED GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT.
This is very important DOCS, I am not like a dog shit that dries up and the winds blows it away, I will be here for the long haul and soon my kids will be allowed to post on the forum the abuses you did to them.

Well said, yes of course they are reading this site, they have mentioned it to my partner, that he is causing a stink on the internet at the moment. But thanks to them he doesnt have internet access, as he is staying in a slum, living on a mattress, with cockroaches running around him.... From living in a great family environment, to this, all because of DOCS and their frk ups.....Little do they realise until now... its me, but I hope your reading this you SCUM, you wait until he is back online, you havent seen anything yet..... Sorry I hate Govt, if Im showing a bit of anger...but....well deserved I think....

What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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