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Mon 14 Jul 2003 12:36:AM
Joined: Feb 2001
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Joined: Feb 2001
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HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE<br /><br /><br />DAILY REPORT # 3401<br /><br /><br />PERIOD COVERED: DOY 190<br /><br /><br />OBSERVATIONS SCHEDULED<br /><br /><br />ACS 9401<br /><br /><br />The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey<br /><br /><br />We propose the most comprehensive imaging survey to date of low-redshift,<br />early-type galaxies. Our goal is to exploit the exceptional imaging capabilities<br />of the ACS by acquiring deep images --- in the SDSS g^ and z^ bandpasses --- for<br />163 E, S0, dE, dE, N and dS0 galaxies in Virgo, the nearest rich cluster. This<br />extraordinary dataset would likely constitute one of the principal legacies of<br />HST, and would have widespread applications for many diverse areas of<br />astrophysics. Our immediate scientific objectives are threefold: {1} measure<br />metallicities, ages and radii for the many thousands of globular clusters {GCs}<br />in these galaxies, and use this information to derive the protogalactic mass<br />spectrum of each galaxy; {2} measure the central luminosity and color profile of<br />each galaxy, and use this information to carry out a completely independent test<br />of the merging hierarchy inferred from the GCs, with the aid of N-body codes<br />that simulate the merger of galaxies containing massive black holes; and {3}<br />calibrate the z^ -band SBF method, measure Virgo's 3-D structure, and carry out<br />the definitive study of the GC luminosity function's precision as a standard<br />candle. Our proposed Virgo Cluster Survey will yield a database of unprecedented<br />depth, precision and uniformity, and will enable us to study the record of<br />galaxy and cluster formation in a level of detail which will never be possible<br />with more distant systems.<br /><br /><br />STIS 9418<br /><br /><br />The Sight-line toward PHL 1811: A Rare Chance to Probe a Lyman Limit System at<br />Very Low<br /><br /><br />The sight-line to an extraordinarily bright quasar, PHL 1811, penetrates four<br />gas systems at z{abs} < z{em} = 0.192. One of them is a Lyman limit system {LLS:<br />N{H I} > 10^17.5 cm^-2} at z{abs} = 0.08088 which is especially well suited for<br />a study of atomic abundances, local density, and ionization state. We propose to<br />obtain a STIS E140M spectrum with moderately good S/N so that we can measure<br />absorption features that will permit the determinations of overall metallicity<br />of the system, its nucleosynthetic ratios Alpha/Fe and Alpha/N, the fractions<br />and kinematics of ionized gas, and the amount of gas-phase element depletions<br />caused by dust. The LLS should be close enough for us to identify an associated<br />galaxy, but to be sure we do not miss one very close to the quasar in<br />projection, we plan to supplement our spectrum with a short- exposure ACS HRC<br />image of the quasar's immediate surroundings.<br /><br /><br />ACS 9468<br /><br /><br />ACS Grism Parallel Survey of Emission- line Galaxies at Redshift z pl 7<br /><br /><br />We propose an ACS grism parallel survey to search for emission-line galaxies<br />toward 50 random lines of sight over the redshift interval 0 < zpl 7. We<br />request ACS parallel observations of duration more than one orbit at high<br />galactic latitude to identify ~ 300 HAlpha emission-line galaxies at 0.2pl zpl<br />0.5, ~ 720 O IILambda3727 emission-line galaxies at 0.3pl zpl 1.68, and pg<br />1000 Ly-alpha emission-line galaxies at 3pl zpl 7 with total emission line<br />flux fpg 2* 10^-17 ergs s^-1 cm^-2 over 578 arcmin^2. We will obtain direct<br />images with the F814W and F606W filters and dispersed images with the WFC/G800L<br />grism at each position. The direct images will serve to provide a zeroth order<br />model both for wavelength calibration of the extracted 1D spectra and for<br />determining extraction apertures of the corresponding dispersed images. The<br />primary scientific objectives are as follows: {1} We will establish a uniform<br />sample of HAlpha and O II emission-line galaxies at z<1.7 in order to obtain<br />accurate measurements of co-moving star formation rate density versus redshift<br />over this redshift range. {2} We will study the spatial and statistical<br />distribution of star formation rate intensity in individual galaxies using the<br />spatially resolved emission-line morphology in the grism images. And {3} we will<br />study high-redshift universe using Ly-alpha emitting galaxies identified at z<br />pl 7 in the survey. The data will be available to the community immediately as<br />they are obtained.<br /><br /><br />STIS/MA2/ACS/HRC 9501<br /><br /><br />Life Cycles of Radio Galaxies<br /><br /><br />Now, for the first time, we can probe the duration of nuclear activity and its<br />duty cycle and the relationship between the growth of the bulge {via a<br />starburst} and the growth of the BH {via fueling the AGN}. We have identified a<br />class of powerful radio galaxy which displays both an outer `older' radio source<br />as well as an inner `younger' radio source. These `double- doubles' are sources<br />in which the current radio source is propagating outwards through the relic of<br />the previous epoch of activity. In 3C 236 we found that repeated episodes of<br />star formation and radio ejection were indeed temporally linked. We propose to<br />obtain images of the host galaxies of 4 additional double-double radio galaxies<br />in the NUV with STIS and the R band with ACS/HRC. The proposed HST observations<br />will allow us to determine the existence of young star forming regions in these<br />double-double sources. Follow up imaging and spectroscopy combined with our<br />detailed radio imaging, will allow us to use the double-doubles to address<br />critical questions concerning probe the relationship between star formation and<br />AGN fueling, e.g., - Over what time scales do these processes occur ? -- are<br />they short and intense or long and gradual ?<br /><br /><br />WFPC2 9595<br /><br /><br />WFPC2 CYCLE 11 SUPPLEMENTAL DARKS pt3/3<br /><br /><br />This dark calibration program obtains 3 dark frames every day to provide data<br />for monitoring and characterizing the evolution of hot pixels.<br /><br /><br />STIS 9606<br /><br /><br />CCD Dark Monitor-Part 2<br /><br /><br />Monitor the darks for the STIS CCD.<br /><br /><br />STIS 9608<br /><br /><br />CCD Bias Monitor - Part 2<br /><br /><br />Monitor the bias in the 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, and 2x2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1x1<br />at gain = 4, to build up high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot<br />columns.<br /><br /><br />STIS 9615<br /><br /><br />Cycle 11 MAMA Dark Monitor<br /><br /><br />This test performs the routine monitoring of the MAMA detector dark noise. This<br />proposal will provide the primary means of checking on health of the MAMA<br />detectors systems through frequent monitoring of the background count rate. The<br />purpose is to look for evidence of change in dark indicative of detector problem<br />developing.<br /><br /><br />ACS 9674<br /><br /><br />CCD Daily Monitor<br /><br /><br />This program consists of basic tests to monitor, the read noise, the development<br />of hot pixels and test for any source of noise in ACS CCD detectors. This<br />programme will be executed once a day for the entire lifetime of ACS.<br /><br /><br />STIS 9708<br /><br /><br />STIS Pure Parallel Imaging Program: Cycle 11<br /><br /><br />This is the default archival pure parallel program for STIS during cycle 11.<br /><br /><br />WFPC2 9709<br /><br /><br />POMS Test Proposal: WFII parallel archive proposal<br /><br /><br />This is the generic target version of the WFPC2 Archival Pure Parallel program.<br />The program will be used to take parallel images of random areas of the sky,<br />following the recommendations of the 2002 Parallels Working Group.<br /><br /><br />ACS/HRC 9746<br /><br /><br />Binary systems in the Kuiper Belt<br /><br /><br />The properties of the orbits of Kuiper belt object {KBO} satellites hold keys to<br />fundamental insight into masses and densities of KBOs, the interaction history<br />of the early solar system, the internal structure of distant ice-rock bodies,<br />and even the genesis of the Pluto-Charon binary. Within the past 18 months, 9<br />KBO satellite systems have been discovered, allowing for the first time the<br />possibility of characterizing a sample of KBO satellite orbital properties. We<br />propose HRC observations to determine satellite orbits in the 6 best cases. We<br />have carefully devised a strategy for each of these 6 systems to make maximum<br />use of ground-based observations, previous HST observations, and the smallest<br />possible number of new HST observations. Our proposed observations will<br />efficiently provide highly reliable orbital solutions which are critical to<br />achieving the scientific promise available from the study of these systems. Our<br />strategy relies heavily on extensive Monte Carlo simulations to define optimal<br />times of observing such that each new point obtained gives maximum leverage for<br />refining the orbital solution. We find that with this strategy we can provide<br />mass solutions for all 6 systems to an accuracy of better than 10% using only 25<br />new HST observations. This highly efficient program provides extreme scientific<br />output with optimal use of scarce resources.<br /><br /><br />STIS 9786<br /><br /><br />The Next Generation Spectral Library<br /><br /><br />We propose to continue the Cycle 10 snapshot program to produce a Next<br />Generation Spectral Library of 600 stars for use in modeling the integrated<br />light of galaxies and clusters. This program is using the low dispersion UV and<br />optical gratings of STIS. The library will be roughly equally divided among four<br />metallicities, very low {[Fe/H] lt -1.5}, low {[Fe/H] -1.5 to -0.5}, near-solar<br />{[Fe/H] -0.3 to 0.1}, and super-solar {[Fe/H] gt 0.2}, well-sampling the entire<br />HR-diagram in each bin. Such a library will surpass all extant compilations and<br />have lasting archival value, well into the Next Generation Space Telescope era.<br />Because of the universal utility and community-broad nature of this venture, we<br />waive the entire proprietary period.<br /><br /><br />ACS/HRC 9805<br /><br /><br />OGLE-TR-56b: The Most Interesting Transiting Planet<br /><br /><br />Our team has recently succeeded in confirming spectroscopically the discovery of<br />the first extrasolar giant planet found in a transit search: OGLE-TR-56b. Its<br />main parameters are: mass = 0.9 Jupiters, size = 1.3 Jupiters. Thus, OGLE-TR-56b<br />appears to be similar to HD 209458b, the only other known transiting giant<br />planet. Unfortunately, our planet radius determination is uncertain due to the<br />very limited precision of the ground-based photometry, and does not allow for a<br />meaningful comparison with theoretical model predictions. We propose HST<br />observations with the ACS-HRC of the main transit of OGLE-TR-56b, which will<br />improve the precision and the accuracy of the planet parameters by close to a<br />factor of 10. In addition, we propose a timing experiment for the planet's<br />extremely close orbit {1.2-day period, 0.023 AU from the star}, which will allow<br />us to detect the orbital decay and test convection theories.<br /><br /><br />ACS/WFC/HRC 9895<br /><br /><br />The Role of Groups in the Evolution of Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts<br /><br /><br />Groups are the most common environment experienced by galaxies, yet they remain<br />the least studied. The tidal fields and dynamical friction encountered by<br />galaxies in groups probably holds the key to understanding the role of<br />environment in driving the evolution of galaxies since z ~ 1. To study the<br />evolution of galaxies in the group environment, we propose the first unbiased<br />HST study of groups at moderate redshifts. Unlike previous HST group samples,<br />that relied on radio or X-ray properties, our kinematically selected sample is<br />drawn from a large redshift survey and is not biased towards unusually dense<br />groups. HST imaging is essential to determine the morphology of galaxies in<br />these systems and contrast this with the properties of galaxies in denser and<br />more evolved groups and rich clusters at these epochs. HST data are also<br />required to adequately compare the properties of groups at intermediate<br />redshifts with local group samples derived from the 2df and Sloan surveys. We<br />will combine the HST images with deep ground-based observations to study how<br />morphologies and stellar populations of galaxies in groups have evolved in time.<br />These observations are key to understanding the decline in the volume averaged<br />star formation rate in the universe.<br /><br /><br />ACS 9984<br /><br /><br />Cosmic Shear With ACS Pure Parallels<br /><br /><br />Small distortions in the shapes of background galaxies by foreground mass<br />provide a powerful method of directly measuring the amount and distribution of<br />dark matter. Several groups have recently detected this weak lensing by<br />large-scale structure, also called cosmic shear. The high resolution and<br />sensitivity of HST/ACS provide a unique opportunity to measure cosmic shear<br />accurately on small scales. Using 260 parallel orbits in Sloan textiti {F775W}<br />we will measure for the first time: beginlistosetlength sep0cm setlengthemsep0cm<br />setlength opsep0cm em the cosmic shear variance on scales <0.7 arcmin, em the<br />skewness of the shear distribution, and em the magnification effect. endlist Our<br />measurements will determine the amplitude of the mass power spectrum<br />sigma_8Omega_m^0.5, with signal-to-noise {s/n} ~ 20, and the mass density<br />Omega_m with s/n=4. They will be done at small angular scales where non-linear<br />effects dominate the power spectrum, providing a test of the gravitational<br />instability paradigm for structure formation. Measurements on these scales are<br />not possible from the ground, because of the systematic effects induced by PSF<br />smearing from seeing. Having many independent lines of sight reduces the<br />uncertainty due to cosmic variance, making parallel observations ideal.<br /><br /><br />FLIGHT OPERATIONS SUMMARY:<br /><br /><br />Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: [The following are preliminary reports of<br />potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.] None<br /><br /><br />COMPLETED OPS REQs:<br />17000-1 - Initial Activation of OCA @ 190/1242z<br /><br /><br />OPS NOTES EXECUTED:<br />1129-0 - Set Limit for CCC 5 K1 V/T Level 2 @ 190/1330z<br />1131-0 - Increase Battery 3 upper temperature limit by 0.5 degrees @ 190/1621z<br />1132-0 - HST486 FSW S/W Memory Dump @ 190/2207z<br /><br /><br /> SCHEDULED SUCCESSFUL FAILURE TIMES<br />FGS GSacq 13 13<br />FGS REacq 2 2<br />FHST Update 23 23<br />LOSS of LOCK<br /><br /><br />SIGNIFICANT EVENTS:<br /><br /><br />Successfully activated the EPS Over Charge Avoidance [OCA] Routine on Day 190<br />[OR 17000-1 with attached script]. Commanding to configure the HST486 FSW and<br />CCC 5 hardware for the activation was completed @ 190/12:41:38Z. EPS and FSW<br />SEs verified the nominal operations of OCA and TRSWCC/VTFE for the first orbit<br />following the installation. No K-relay cycling occurred, OCA opened relays, as<br />expected, for the batteries that reached cut-off during Full Charge period in<br />orbit day, transition to Trickle Charge was executed nominally in orbit day by<br />FSW, and Trickle Charge exit occurred nominally in orbit night @ 190/14:08Z.<br /><br /><br />Successfully completed [after slow start] SM-4 Aft Flight Deck Internal Command<br />Test 190/11:59Z -19:00Z. Verified HITT test procedures and SOC scenario file changes<br />that were discovered during earlier testing. Also, verified several additional CCS<br />mnemonics that were added during the same analysis period.<br /><br /><br />HST SM-4 Aft Flight Deck Internal Command testing scheduled 191/11:00Z - 21:00Z with GDOC,<br />SOC, HITT, and CCS using CCS "C" String with CCS Release and PRD S07200. The purpose<br />of this testing is to dry run SM-4 telemetry through the PSS to create scenario files and<br />to verify procedures.
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