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Tue 03 Feb 2009 05:12:PM
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Thank you to jimjam6702 for bringing Ann Arbor Fairy Doors to my attention! This is utterly fascinating. It is hard to know when you first see this if it is real or just for fun like Parting The Veil of Faery. Let me start this thread with news articles so readers can see what's up. From The Washington Post Ann Arbor Proudly Presents: The Doors Sunday, April 23, 2006; Page P05 When walking around Ann Arbor, Mich., it's easy to miss the tiny doors with the tiny knobs and tiny hinges. And if you don't believe in fanciful creatures, you just might miss the point. But what's certain is that someone -- real or magical -- is building what locals are calling "fairy doors," and the town is going all out for its new inhabitants. Since last spring, the pint-size doors have been mysteriously appearing on structures around the University of Michigan college town: inside a coffeehouse, beside a grocer's steps, beneath a toy store window. The entryways are Thumbelina small and are so subtle and incongruent that they're easy to overlook -- or dismiss. At first glance, you might mistake one of the eight doors for an electric socket or a mismatched brick. But look closely and you'll see evidence that, yes indeed, something very little could live in there. Forty-five miles west of Detroit, Ann Arbor is the ideal canvas for such a quirky display of art and imagination; its population skews young, liberal and bohemian, and one of its biggest annual events is the Hash Dash, which celebrates the liberation of pot. When the fairy doors starting popping up, curiosity grew: People wondered who built them -- and how they could get a fairy door in their own home. Maps were printed so visitors could, in the spirit of a scavenger hunt, track down the intricate, fragile doors. Apparently, no one (at least those who are talking) will admit to having seen man, woman or fairy hammering away at the teensy doors. But Ann Arbor's resident fairy researcher, Jonathan B. Wright, has some intriguing theories. At Sweetwaters Cafe, just a table away from a white fairy door built into a brick wall, the 46-year-old storyteller and illustrator explained that the woodland, forest and flower fairies had been living in nature but were being displaced by urban sprawl. Searching for a new domicile, the winged ones -- who count among their relations the Tooth Fairy and Tinkerbell-- ventured into Ann Arbor. (Yes, we know what you're thinking.) Wright surmised that, liking what they saw, they decided to uproot to specific addresses amenable to fairies. How does Wright know all this? Seems he has a direct line to the fairies, or else he's been reading too much Tolkien. "They are carefully selecting environments that are appealing to them," he said. "They are taking up residence in unobtrusive places and mimicking them." The urban fairies have clear favorites. Judging by the locations of the doors, and by the items sold in the related stores, they enjoy toys, art, candy, fashion, deli meats, theater and caffeine. Wright hinted that they may also have a yen for books and chocolate. From the street, the fairy doors are hard to spot; crouching is required. All but two are outside, and some have interior doors or windows as well. A few models swing open, allowing civilians to peek into the fairies' private life. At Red Shoes, for example, you can see a mini vestibule with an upholstered reading chair on a tile floor. The Peaceable Kingdom's doors shield a fairy general store whose wares include baby teeth, a plastic monkey, hand-knit socks and other gifts left by fairy admirers. A few establishments also have guest books where people can comment on the doors and ask pertinent questions like, "If faeries could order drinks at Sweetwaters, what would they get?" On occasion, an elusive fairy with great penmanship and bad spelling will respond (for the question above: dewdrops and gummy bears). "Fairies are everywhere, you just have to look," reads one musing. Written like a true believer. -- Andrea Sachs The 'Fairy Door' Phenomenon by Mel Bezalel - Guardian.co.uk For many, they are merely a passing flight of fancy, flittering about the childhood imagination and dissolving on impact into sceptical adulthood. Who in their right mind believes in fairies? Well, for fairy researcher Jonathan Wright, a 46-year-old storyteller and illustrator, and fellow residents of the quaint but quirky Michigan town of Ann Arbor (all of whom are in full control of their mental faculties), fairies are as real as the tiny doors that have been mysteriously popping up around town - numbering at least 20 to date. The inside of a coffee shop; under a toy shop window; even inside Wright's own home - they are all locations of "urban fairy" dwellings. Wright says he first discovered one of the six-inch doors under his staircase in 1993. His daughter uncovered another, which opened onto a room with its own miniature fireplace. Their fame is spreading far and wide - even the Washington Post has covered their arrival. But whose handiwork is behind them? There are no eyewitness reports of anyone - man, woman or fairy - erecting the doors. Wright, though, claims to have the answer. He says that urbanisation caused the displacement of woodland, forest and flower fairies. While house hunting, the winged ones came across Ann Arbor, an eccentric locality that celebrates the liberation of cannabis at its annual Hash Dash. These bohemian urban dwellers have welcomed the teeny fairy community, Wright says, with many locals enquiring how they can get a fairy door of their own (indeed, this is the most frequently asked question according to Wright's website - www.urban-fairies.com) A few Ann Arbor establishments, such as Sweetwaters cafe, have introduced guest books for the public to ask questions and write messages to the elusive fairies. It is uncertain whether the fairies reply to all enquiries, although Wright claims they have managed to secure an email address (fairies@urban-fairies.com). One child wrote, "Dear fairies, I am so happy that you came to Ann Arbor. I hope you come live at my dad's office." Sceptics may dismiss him as being "away with the fairies," but Wright asserts that he does not wish to impose his beliefs - he is merely sharing them. He laments "those who do not believe in imagination. "There are people and companies that make and sell 'fairy doors'," he says. "I could do the same. But that takes the fun out of finding them." Here is the Urban Fairies Website. And what a delight it is. Have a look at the many fairy doors and read his background page where he explains his first encounter with fairy doors.
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wOw oh WoW…. After reading about these fairy doors all I can say and to be quite blunt about it is….. I WANT ONE..!! I think I’ll put this one in my projects I like to do list. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful and enlightening information..!!  knock! knock!
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Whether fairy doors simply  appear at times, or whether they are constructed, I can't help but say, "Where there are fairy doors there are bound to be fairies." Analysing the many fairy doors photos, I saw things within them that make me think the nature spirits use them.
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say that alisa!! right about now i wish i had a couple of fairy friends to handle my light work for me!I"m shootin ya this to ask if you would be up for some friendly debate?I just joined the site the skeptial viewer forum.I posted a blog on "Ghost Hunters the helen keller of the paranormal".The topic is how a show i once really respected has gone down the tubes because of a lack of integrity.I made the mistake of the meer mention of orbs,& now that's all anyone will focus on....so I was wondering your take on orbs since we seem to share some of the same basic views on energy,& since you have such awesome pictures in your posession,maybe you would be interested in enlighting some nay sayers,on the stuff you've caught.I would love to have some one who is as openminded as you are maybe change the tone - It has'nt become unfriendly as i won't participate in that type of forum.I would just love to see someone w/an ounce of common sense post something on my blog,other than unfounded jibberish.I understand if you opt not to,I was just sitting here after my last post thinking,why is there no one like me responding to this???Then I thought of you!!! hope to see ya in there,thanx.
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Whew, what hot topic! ![[Linked Image]](http://www.metawake.info/images/graemlins/whew.gif) I liked your position and totally agree with your comments about "Ghost Hunters" though I have seen only one episode of it. That was all it took for me to lose my interest because... You will find what you are looking for! And they are looking for reasons to disprove spirit. A positive person amidst a group of negative people will more likely be drained than uplift the crowd. I think back on the documentary "The Girl with X-Ray Eyes", where a young lady from Russia, Natasha Demkina, was able to see into people's bodies to diagnose what was wrong or needed treatment. She was amazing, confident, accurate and beloved by the local people and the many she had helped. She felt so sure that she wanted to prove to others that this was a skill that existed so she travelled to the US to let the skeptics at CSICOPS test her. I felt utter dread at this decision which was born out by their stringent tests and palpable anti-belief. She didn't stand a chance to be 100% effective in this quagmire of negativity. And so whilst effective, she did not satisfy their criteria.  It is so ironic the tact of seeking spirit by looking to disprove it.  Consciously experiencing spirit is a new frontier. It cannot be accurately measured or quantified in the old ways so you can't use the old ways to discount it. It requires releasing the old and allowing new experience to shape the boundaries. For example, when new ideas enter into the scientific stream of consciousness, there is often a huge buck against it by the majority because it is difficult to accept change let alone to accept becoming the novice now instead of the expert. When it was first suggested that illness was caused by microscopic entities this was far from embraced by the scientific community of the time. There are hundreds of examples in which new ideas were flatly rejected and fought against strongly by the establishment until enough open minds were able to accept it and bring it through to establish as a new fact/belief. Belief creates reality. There is a phenomenon in athletics where when, for example, someone breaks a record running a mile in a new shorter time-frame, and it is quickly followed by others reaching this same mark. Suddenly it is believed that it can be done, and so it is. This happens with orb photography (happened to me and to many others who wrote me). Once you capture an orb, you capture many of them. Your mind opens up to the possibility and this is reflected in your reality. So, by believing, we can then experience more of what we believe in. By capturing one orb, I found myself capturing more, followed by other entities, then eventually seeing them, hearing from them, etc. Once you open the door with belief and a willingness to accept, then things will begin to walk through and present themselves (much like fairy doors  ). When I first found orbs I was so excited and grateful so I posted my findings here. I enjoyed the interaction with forum members and the chance to express my new findings. Over time I realized that some people were not quite ready to believe. The only way for them to experience spirit would be for them to suspend or release their skepticism which was something only they could do when they felt ready. So, I said as much as I could and wanted to at the time and left it at that. Anything else was just rehashing and unproductive for me. I decided to continue to share some of my findings, but in a way that people who were interested could come and have a look. I didn't want to debate whether it was true or not. I had done that, which was a step in strengthening my belief, but now I just wanted to indulge in my belief with others of a like mind. And discover even more and more of what IS!
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My response….Who cares what others believe or not..!! No need to prove your beliefs or non beliefs at all its totally irrelevant and as Alisa brilliantly said belief creates reality at the end of the day. Religions are a classic example of this phenomenon. It’s the journey and spiritual path that one is on that I feel is important. In your travels you will find people, spirits and all sorts of unexplainable things appear for a reason. The reason however in many instances is not clear because all the pieces of information one receives could come from other time zones that we don’t comprehend here in this world. For example some are from the future and others from the past and you may have received a vision or a message that could take a lifetime or two to understand. Think of them like seeds that have been planted and the flowers and fruit may ripen for consumption in the other dimensions. All I can say don’t worry to much about what others have to say. Just enjoy your journey and those in the know will follow and guide you too..!!
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Hi Gals, Thanx for both of your comments.AND BOY ARE YOU BOTH RIGHT!!!When I first stumbled onto that website,I was under the impression that it was a site that did support the paranormal-but took a more skeptical approach,as their website states it is a fansite for ghost hunters fans.After being a member for two weeks,I have discovered that they put up a false front to snag people so they have some one to argue with!!!I read some of the blogs and corresponding comments before I became a member,and it seemed to be a fair site for fans & skeptics.But as soon as I posted my artical,all any one seemed to want to do was argue.I don't mind a little friendly debate,but I started to feel like a defence attorney!!!!Seeing as how I don't get a lawyers salary,I won't do a lawyers job,ya know. When I first asked you to join me it hadn't yet gotten ugly.But since I last spoke to you it has gotten a litte persnikity!! To be honest I'm a little confused,because the site has posts all over it by people who actually do belive,so I thought it was ok to post my opinion there.The sites moderater actually started to comment on my post,& I feel he only did it to intimidate me,as he seemed especially interested in my post-yet did nothing but challenge me.It became more work than pleasure!!!! I got a bit of a snotty reply from the moderater last night after I had aksed you to meet me,in it he accused me of getting snippy.I thought I was pretty polite to any one who commented on my post.I since have chosen not to return to that site.It causes more anxiety than pleasure.It's now is clear that it's not orbs that they had a problem with,IT'S THE PARANORMAL!I am soooo sorry that I even asked you to check it out,I wouldn't have even asked had I known what a little trap that site is.I just completely misunderstood what that site was about.They should change thier welcome page,as it is very misleading.I was giong to send ya an email telling you not to even bother,but I found your message before I had the chance.I'm so sorry,but glad that you tried to support me.I do really appreciate it,& promise never to lead you in the wrong direction again! Thanx for your support & pls accept my apologies.
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Aww, bless you. I can relate to this, as can others I know who have been through the same process. It does seem ironic that many paranormal forums are populated by a majority of sceptics, but tis true. No apologies needed for asking for my support. I enjoyed reading your posts. I found them well thought out, well presented and very valid. I also sympathised and remember myself asking for an orb expert to jump in on my orb thread a few years ago for support -- and he did. ![[Linked Image]](http://www.metawake.info/images/graemlins/tiphat.gif) Of course he ended up having a few heated back-and-forths with some of the sceptics. In the end he left the thread and went back to what he was good at which was filming orbs and making them materialize. I felt the pull for a while to go back in for more debate, especially after I had gathered more evidence and had many more experiences. And I think it can be an energizing exercise (though at times a real depleting one). And never say never, but I feel kind of content even if I have only a few people to share my thoughts with, because those few people respect my ideas and have similar enough thoughts and beliefs that we build each other up. Still, I have found that no two people seem to think exactly alike. In the end we are each really on our own with our own view. It's exciting and rare when you can meet someone with whom you can share a majority of your views and they can open their mind enough to understand and accept them even if they don't have those views. I know you have exceptional clairvoyance from what you've shared with me thus far. I hope you will continue to share your discoveries and find places where others will appreciate your keen eye!  I do understand that you were looking to share your findings with other Ghost Hunter fans, which is utterly valid. But you are always welcome to share here! 
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I just love you.....you are such a beautiful soul. So encouraging, so optimistic & so nurturing. You feel like HOME to me.I thank source for bringing you into my reality! Bless you
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Thank you.  You are so incredibly welcome! You fit in perfectly with the very same qualities yourself.   Bless
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I really enjoy websites and stories like the fairy door ones. Tales of Faerie Doors are such fun and are charmingly decorative. I enjoy the stories surrounding the Faerie doors. They seem to give an extra added bit of charm and hint of magic to the home, building, tree or wherever they're placed. I plan on making one someday now that there's a tree that getting a good size trunk on it near my house. Alisa, you may remember that I used to worry about the fairy doors being too tempting a portal for negative spirits along with the good ones. As time has passed I'm not so worried about them anymore. I guess for me, 'along with knowledge comes a change in my comfort levels.' Here's my number 1 favorite fairy door 'media' story. Mr. Little Guy - Minneapolis elf
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I love the idea of a fairy door. I'd like to have one! I hope you get one for your tree and let us know what happens--if anything.  I think they would definitely attract fairies. "Build it and they will come..." sorta thing!  You put out the intention and welcome. Hey, yeah, a little welcome mat would be a great touch. Oh, and what a cute story you linked to Dawn! What a sweet elf to answer all the letters he receives. 
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