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Dear Mrs. Fenton, Over the past six months, your husband, Mr. Bill
Fenton has been causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot
tolerate this type of behavior and have considered banning the entire
family from shopping in any of our stores. We have documented all
incidents on our video surveillance equipment. Three of our clerks are
attending counseling from the trouble your husband has caused. All
complaints against Mr Fenton have been compiled and are listed below.
Wal-Mart Complaint Department MEMO Re: Mr. Bill Fenton - Complaints -
15 Things Mr. Bill Fenton has done while his spouse is shopping:

1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's
carts when they weren't looking.

2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute

3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the

4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone,
'Code 3' in housewares..... and watched what happened.

5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and asked to put a bag of M&M's
on layaway.

6. September 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted

7. September 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told
other shoppers he'd invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the
bedding department.

8. September 23: When a clerk asks if they can help him, he begins to
cry and asks Why can't you people just leave me alone?'

9. October 4: Looked right into the security camera; used it as a
mirror, and picked his nose.

10. November 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, asked
the clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are.

11. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously loudly humming the
"Mission Impossible" theme.

12. December 6: In the auto department, practiced his "Madonna look"
using different size funnels.

13. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browse
through, yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"

14. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he
assumes the fetal position and screams "NO! NO! It's those voices

(And; last, but not least!)
15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door and waited a
while; then, yelled, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"

My mom Candy sent this to me about a year before she died. She worked at Walmart at the time.I told her to hang it in the break room,& she told me that Walmart wouldn't let her.I thought that was such a pitty,if I was an employee I'd appreciate that little laugh during my lunchbreak!

I always think of her when I read this story, she had such a great sence of humor. When I miss her,I read this story and think back on how we laughed 'til we pee'd (for those youngsters out there reading this - birth a child & hit 30 yrs.of age,then come talk to me about gross!). I Love this story,I hope you did too!

- In Loving Memory Of-
Candy May Schechter
August 4,1955 - June 28,2008
-Ilayou ma,your Punkin- bwave

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How nice to associate the memory of your mother with humour and joy! hug

December 23rd really drew a smile out of me! chuckle

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Thank you Alisa,
Want to hear something wierd? Last month I started to read "Limitless Mind-a guide to remote viewing and transformation of consciousness",It was a book that she was reading just before she died.Well she left it at my house when she went back to Va.So one day last month I picked it up,& started it.In the preface the author dedicates the book to his daughter,Elisabeth.He started writting this book on her 41st b-day,wich was on Aug 4,2002. My mom's b-day Aug 4th 1955. Also in the above story,the date Aug 4, was used again for #5.I just noticed the date in this story last night when I posted it.Can't tell you how many times I've read this & NEVER noticed it!Isn't that neat?!
My personal favorite's are #'s 13 & 14.Halarious!!

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I've also read "Limitless Mind" by Russell Targ. [Linked Image] I loved it and remember the dedication of it to his daughter. thumbup

What amazing synchronicity the birthdates are for you! Signposts that this is all intentional. cheerful

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Hey Alisa,
It is just uncanny the similarities in our hobbies & intrests! I knew as I was typing the name of that book, that you would be no stranger to it. Don't ask me how I knew, I just knew. BTW, Love your new avatar but tell me, are you a good witch, or a bad witch? I think eye know the answer to that one too! angel

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We do have strong similarities and synchroncities. highfive No wonder our paths are crossing.

chuckle As for the witch, I like to think I am so many things I need a huge library for my avatars. I am many things and all in duality (black and white). But I'm going to say that I am "good" because I have a strong belief that there is no "bad". There is only degrees of good and the things that seem bad are degrees that are lesser degrees of good. Light can't exist without dark to highlight it, so dark has to be good, too.

It is ALL in the definition and perspective so that what is good to one is perhaps not so good to another.

It's been on my mind a lot lately (maybe you tapped into it for me). eyebrow

Nature is a good example of balance where one thing eats another and a balance is kept. Seasons are births in spring and deaths in the fall. Cyclical. [Linked Image]

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...Ha Ha...Mandlebrot! Shows up everywhere doesn't it? Couldn't have said it better myself.
When my children ask me questions like "why are we here?" or What is "our purpose"?,I try to explain that exact description of "duality" as the reason we have chosen to come here. If the other side is supposed to be somewhat of a utopia,than all we know at soul level is "good", or the "positive". I believe that is why we come here,how can we appreciate the love if we haven't experienced the hate? How can we appreciate abundance, if we don't know lack? How will we ever learn how to forgive, if never given the chance to be wronged? This is that same balance, as you pointed out. To see the light,there has to be dark - light can't exist w/out it. As in any other case under the sun, where there is positive there is negative - one can't exist w/out the other...and they both exist and thrive here in this melting pot of duality we call earth.
Where else could one learn those cycles or patterns of life and the dualities that create them? To me this life, this planet, this existance that I live "here", is a learning tool, to perfect our soul's perception of consciousness.
I believe we evolve our consciousness by merely being here to take it all in, the duality that is.
Bad, negative, - all good. Just different levels of it like you said!
My opinion... Good witch - on ALL levels angel!

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Holy cow...what a fantastic explanation! winner

I am so pleased to be in such good company! cheerful

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AWWW,likewise Alisa. I love when there's a meetimg of the minds between any # of people or souls...just one more small step towards mass consciousness!!!

Good company...YOU started it! na na na na na - LOL!

Last edited by jimjam6702; Sun 22 Feb 2009 02:13:AM.
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[Linked Image]

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Ha Ha,"we are the world, we are the children - we are the ones to make a brighter day, so let's start givin...." I can't help but think of that little ditty when lookin at the above animation.

Thanx Alisa, now THAT song will be lurking around in my head for the next three days. I JUST got the "Free Credit" jingle to go away happyeyes!

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[Linked Image] I love it! I'm the same with the songs.

But I'll tell ya what...several years ago I was reading a book on astral projection and the author said he noticed that songs in his head were messages. Well, the next thing I know I start to realize that the songs in my head were also messages. As the years have gone on there is very rarely a song stuck (yes, including adverts) that is not trying to tell me something.

Sometimes the songs are telling me to hang in there and that I'm loved, or providing validation for a current thought, other times they are answers to questions or needed detail to questions I have.

Anyway, just think about it whenever you hear a song in your head... and wonder...what does it mean to you.

My theory is that since our soul is so enormous and exists outside of our body (along with our full array of memories) when we need to get information from the spirit world or from past lives, etc., the info has to get into our brain without the use of our 5 senses. Normally we see, hear, taste, smell, touch and this goes through the body and into the brain (physical hard-wiring) and then into the soul memory. When we retrieve such memories it is easy as it is all connected to our physical senses and we've experienced it before through our current eyes, etc. To get something from soul memory that has not ever entered through the brain is a bit more challenging.

That is my explanation for songs as messages from my higher self or guides. They use bits of songs and lyrics as hotkeys, like a keyboard, to allow me to conceive of thoughts that are not coming in through my senses and maybe never have in this lifetime.

One of my favourite examples is when I first received the word "Chaldean". I had never heard of this word before (and found out it is a religious sect). It was a word that I needed to have when I was learning about Ancient Babylonia through spirit and clairvoyance. So to give me this new word, I kept hearing a phrase repeated in my head in Steve Martin's voice from the movie "My Blue Heaven" in which he says his wife's name--Shaldeen. This phrase kept repeating over and over and even into the next day so I finally said to myself...What the heck is up!? Am I craving to see this movie or what? But then it occurred to me it was probably a clue and I decided to look up the word Chaldean (as the letters were also served to me in my mind's eye but a little jumbled). It ended up being a piece in my Babylonian puzzle.

I might add, that this is also why retrieving pastlife memory can be difficult to believe and accept. It feels like imagination because it is coming from the soul which is outside of the physical, into the brain in a way that feels initially quite different from the usual 5 senses. It feels like imagination which is dipping from the same pool of consciousness.

And in that vein, I believe imagination to be a view of a reality somewhere in infinity...but now I truly digress.

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I've been meaning to ask you if you would mind sharing some of your experiences w/spirit? You mention here & there, that you recieve messages & communication from them, & I would LOVE to hear about it!

When you hear them, is it a really high pitched vibrational frequency type voice? Because that's what I experienced when I heard my spirit guide one day after meditation?

Also some of my evp sessions seem to catch that same type of voice.

I've read that guides sound that way because they opperate on a much highr vibrational frequency than we(which makes sense to me). I've also read that if you catch or hear a more normal lower toned voice W/ a much slower vibration, then that is a ghost vs. a spirit or guide, since their vibrational frequency is closer to ours(humans), & it is said that thats the reason it is easier to hear ghosts, vs spirit or guides.

I believe it's all spirit since we are ALL spirit, so to categorize them seems kind of silly. But it does make sense to me that the closer you are to 'source' or higher levels of consciousness,the higer vibration you would have as spirit & guides. So in opposition, it would also make sense that a 'ghost' would opperate at a lower freq. since the whole theory is that ghosts are for whatever reason 'stuck' BETWEEN 'home' & here. The point being that since they haven't made it home yet, they're consciousness is still more HUMAN than SPIRIT.

What do you think, & what have you experienced in this area?

...penny for your thoughts!

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Bless you. I swear you say all the right things to me, Lady. I was just waiting for you to come along and make my life and forum a million times better. It seems I often can't say what I have experienced unless someone asks.

In fact, just yesterday I had a message (which occurred in the form of an inserted thought into my brain - one way I receive messages). And this message was...Share when it is asked [not otherwise]. "Not otherwise" is my parenthetical assumption (they don't speak in negatives). My guides very rarely help me unless I ask. One time I had read about a person whose guides would applaud him when he did well. So I said to my guides (whoever they may be), "Hey, why don't you applaud me when I do something well?!" And they said, "How would you otherwise learn to ask for what you want?" Hmmm. And to be honest, I'm rarely given anything without asking for it first. I understand this reasoning.

It makes you uncover your will and helps you realize what you really want so you can focus on it and obtain it more masterfully. For example, I might feel that money would make me happier and so I wish for money. I think about it and my focus brings it into my reality with many opportunities occurring for me to make money. But eventually after spending much precious time amassing it, I realize that I still feel unhappy. Because what I really want (if I had dug deeper) is to feel free. I had thought by having lots of money I'd be free to do what I pleased, but that turns out not to be the case. Now I have more worries than ever in fact. (This is all just an example wink ).

If I'd known I really just wanted to feel free, I might have realized that physical possessions were weighing me down and that what I needed was to live with less. dunno But I digress.

I'm fascinated with EVPs and have never captured any. I haven't tried a lot. So I'd be very interested in hearing what you've captured. Maybe we could start a new thread about EVPs and you could share and we could ask questions.

I have now had many experiences with spirit, and it is true that I have not elaborated on them too much. Messages come in many ways. Specifically voices though...I have heard them as normal and crystal clear replete with gender and accent. A spirit that has guided me before has spoken to me in a beautiful, strong English accented voice - female. My favourite experience with her was several years ago when I was lying in bed contemplating a bad case of the flu and thinking I might use the new fairy Ouija-type board to ask my guides why I am sick. Just then the English lady's voice burst into my auditory processing centre saying, with an obvious bit of annoyance, "…these are actually just various ways of limiting what we have to say!" In other words, just open your mind and listen! I was stunned. blink

I didn't know about the higher and lower toned voices. That is interesting and makes sense. Certainly it means something, maybe even of size, because when I heard from the fairies, their voices were very high pitched sounding like a speeded up recording. Or maybe we perceive these attributes based on our preconceived ideas of sound? dunno

One more related experience was with my English male guide. He I know more surely to be a guide as opposed to merely one of my many pastlives and personalities within. Though having said that, never say never. eyebrows Anyway, why I feel I know is because he told me he was assigned to me. I have mostly spoken to him in dreams though. And in one such case I did have a multidimensional experience that still can give me the shivers to think about it. When he spoke his voice was coming from all around me. It was so overwhelming to be spoke at from so many directions that I fell on the floor (in the dream) and cowered until my husband walked in and encouraged me to stand up and realize that it was someone who wanted to help me. This same man (who looks olde-English with long auburn hair and wearing period costumes that have buckles and sometimes looking like Robin Hood) has appeared to me in various dreams offering me help, makeovers, and even suggesting courses to take to improve my health. All of them remarkably effective.

Okay, having said all of that, his voice has something in common with other entities I have encountered, including White Wolf. That is a choppiness like a mobile phone in a low-reception area. It reminds me of tuning in a radio where turning the dial a bit too much or too little causes the station to be heard in little rhythmic bursts or chops of voice and silence.

What did your guide say to you? And did you learn anything else about him/her from their voice?

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