All I wanted to know was what mysterious new balkan channels UBI were getting, and when.<br />As he always does, Liski told all of us nothing. How many times are you going to tell us "the broadcast rights are currently being reviewed". What does that mean? Does i't mean your full of shit and can't think of any good lies to tell people. You and Satfreak must be related. Why don't you just have the balls to tell people "hey we lost both pink channels but don't worry, were getting some other ones". Honesty, now thats an interested approach.<br />As for TV+, who in their right mind would want to pay $65 a month for such lousy picture & sound quality, which after so many months is still no better than when they started. And they also want $200 for some crap "box", when most people only need the card. That's just pure greed.<br />I'm not here to insult or offend people, all I wanted were some answers. Obviously that's too much to ask.<br />Regards,<br />Paja