I believe that this discussion is pointless. I have a feeling that some of you are on UBI payroll or are having a lot of faith in UBI and its future as the satellite TV provider. That’s fine. I don’t really care, as long as I am getting value for my money. At this stage Puma is giving a better option.<br /><br />As I am part of polish community and also work for them, I can give you a first feedback. I spoke with around 20 people which have access right now or have seen Polsat 2 productions. The message is clear – when the grace period (free) will finish they are not going to pay for it – it is crap. If UBI will have by then more polish channels or some decent English channel they will re-conceder it.<br /><br />Personally, I don’t believe that polish community is big enough to have two providers for satellite TV.