I'm amazed at the number of apologists for UBI on this forum! Honestly, is anyone allowed to question anything UBI does without being accused of having ulterior motives? So before I get howled down, let me state my position - I have no interest in UBI or Puma other than as suppliers of Polish satellite TV programs in Australia.<br /><br />I had no major issues with TARBS until they went belly-up. In fact I felt quite sympathetic toward their situation - this, despite the fact that they took my monthly payment AFTER they were pronounced bankrupt (or whatever the correct technical term is) and I was unable to get it back (despite several phone calls and assurances from them).<br /><br />I waited and waited for some concrete news of a replacement service, only to be fobbed off with the usual "next month" lie. When Puma announced they were supplying TV Polonia I got onto them as soon as I could, as by this stage I had lost all faith in UBI.<br /><br />And sure enough, as soon as they saw they had competition (for one of their minor audience segments, I might add) UBI started on their campaign. First came the Polish-speaking rep who went around to the Polish community club, bagging TV Polonia and promising that a new, more youth-oriented Channel would be starting soon, which he was taking expressions of interest for. The idiot didn't even do his homework properly as most of the Polish club attendees are retired folk who quite like TV Polonia and would not be all that interested in a youth-oriented channel!<br /> Then in July came the letter saying that UBI would have 3 Polish channels, but not providing any further detail. Of course, this letter came out just before Puma were about to commence collecting their first subscription payments.<br /><br />So, to all you outraged, holier-than-thou posters, so concerned with morals and integrity, why don't you put a little time into analysing UBI's actions and see if they are beyond reproach. And, don't forget, they are not exactly the underdog here - they don't really need all your bleeding hearts and sympathy!<br /><br />I must admit that, when I read the letter in Polish (on one of these forums, in fact) I was quite surprised by the tone and content. However, there isn't anything in it that is a lie, and it basically re-inforced what I had been thinking up to that point.<br /><br />It's funny that, apart from Boggie, none of the outraged posters here is a potential Polish TV viewer. Maybe they're too busy watching and enjoying TV Polonia to be bothered. A bird in the hand ......