Oh not again!!! mad
We have more corrupt police making the front page but this time its the full front page. Yes a drunk cop on duty carrying out a Breath test, YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING Personally I am sick of Police behaving badly and I am sick of corrupt police being protected by their own.
Here in QLD Police corruption is rife we have one law for them (NONE)and one for the rest of the population.
You would be surprised how many Police lately have fronted the courts to plead either guilty or to fight a criminal charges only to be protected by a ARMYof police in the court room and if you read the story in the Courier Mail today (24/03/08)you will read the comments put against a respectable person like Queensland's Council for Civil Liberties vice-president Terry O'Gorman. Yes Terry, you will ask for another royal commission against the police service, the only trouble is you will have to wait for years as you know, as the most Hated Government department takes up most of the CMC's time. You can bet your dollar all negative replies are from cops possibly some bent ones in there.
I will say this again and againand I will give you an example!!
If a Electrician is caught tampering with an Electricity meter for the only purpose of cheating the Electricity companies he or she should immediately lose their license and receive a MASSIVE FINE Why? because he or she should know better and if another person did the same outside the trade its only reasonable that they should receive a minor sentence or fine.

If a Police officer breaks any of their laws that they are supposed to represent they should receive MASSIVE FINES, and for Major offenses they should get a custodial sentence full stop!
After all they know the law so they have to show an example of following it. This is getting out of control what our bent police service is getting up to today.
I'M SICK OF IT!!and one day I will tell you why and what has made me this way.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Sun 23 Mar 2008 08:05:PM.