Interesting post.
My stuff finished with docs completely September 2007 (end of a supervision order that went for 12 months)

June/ July 2007 - I developed the most tricky neck. It went on for months - saw physio, massage therapist etc

May 2008 - Shingles

June - bad back - out of action for 1 week - my back had never been this bad in all my life.

August 2008 - diagnosed with duodenal ulcer, now on pariet.

Prior to this I did develop Hashimoto's disease post natally - that is a thyroid condition and now on medication for life.

I dont know if it is co incidental that I seem to be getting inflicted with poor health or if it is the aftermath of going through so much stress from docs in our lives. I have privately wondered this.
I remember thinking that anything I have ever felt stressed by paled to insignificance to what happens to a parent going through the docs process. (Seeing your children distressed is the ultimate stressor.)

Interesting that this was posted on here.

Ms Rainbowchaser you are really onto it.