I went to my doctor yesterday and I definitely have conjunctivitis, which is what I thought I had.

I am still contagious, so I had to cancel my contact with my girls today and won't see them now until Monday - assuming I'm healthy by then.

For the past month I've been constantly sick. I had my trial on October 1st and the day the trial began I came down with the worst bug possible - but I think it was the end result of all the drama of putting the trial together.

Then I spent October on 2 different antibiotics... First my doctor thought I had Pneumonia (which was going around in my area at the time), then he thought I had Whooping Cough.

I've still got a cough that's hanging around, so I go back to see him tomorrow about my eyes and he wasn't to listen to my chest again.

I think I'm run down and I said that to him yesterday. I think I need to re-build my immune system after being sick all through October - but it's a bit difficult when I'm continuing to pick up bugs as I go.

Fortunately it's only conjunctivitis this time and not my chest again.

I don't get sick very often, but when I do I get really sick. I'm usually pretty healthy.