Originally Posted by kickemout
michelle, what docsniper has been and is going through is inhumane....they are very serious allegations set against him....these people are inhumane......they sent children to a father with very questionable allegations with a long criminal history....so they are very selective in their targeting of victims.....it is inhumane to say the least

Yes, I have a criminal record.and I did some crazy things in my youth. But! never did I ever touch a child/ren in any sexual way.I went to prison for some of my silly actions, I was 19.
once out, I swore to myself that I will never go back.
At 23 I started my family and my son is born in 86.
His mother and I broke up when he was 2yrs old and he has been with me ever since, he is now 22.
My only trouble with the law after that, was only traffic fines.
till, 1997 when my other son dies at 7 weeks old. and I become a walking Zombie. I was dead inside.
I was still in a major depression, didnt sleep,didnt eat,cry at anything involving children.cry at songs that meant something.crying and talking in my sleep. in my darkness, all i could see was my dead son.
from one doctor to the next, pills after pills. Sigh!!!!!!.

So, yes, I have become a patsy to DOCS.JABS.and cops.I am a target in my home town. I am hated by the government.
I only wish i had the attitude of Chopper reed.