Food for thought...

Even though as human beings we are all unique and all individual... We are also history repeating itself.

The average person is born with 2 arms, 2 legs etc... And a working mind.

Thinking about today's society and how more and more people are getting in touch with their inner self and tapping into dormant or unpracticed psychic abilities... They are only exploring areas of their own minds which have always been there.

How often have we heard that psychic ability is in everyone and that practice and meditation etc will help bring it to the fore?

Anyway, the point I am getting at (the "history repeating itself" bit) is that as recently as the last couple of hundred years of our existence, they would burn people at the stake - accusing them of witch craft - when it was more than likely truth that these people were not said witches, but had a heightened psychic ability.

My theory is that in ages prior to this, it is extremely possible that past nations also had people with a sixth sense who were able to see what had gone before.

History has shown that past nations of the world have had shamans, wise men/women and today we have doctors and natural health practitioners who in essence to the same thing these past "healers" did.

It's all the same... Just a new name for a new era.