Yes, laws in family care and DOCS is different from state to state. Why that is so, is not very logical, But, does make sense when you think about the state government.
Lower house and Upper house, have different laws.
Then theres colonial laws, some are still in effect. Like freedom of, no longer free.

But, as I read this, it is somewhat weird as WJ: No reason for the attacking. only they do it cos they can and push it to the limits.
Like WJ: even a 2nd handed lawyer, can still help. when in a court room.
and you show the proof you have to the Judge, not docs. As I did and that back stepped docs as they didnt know it was happening.
The Judge only reads what is put in front of them. if you have ZIT, then you lose.

And ya right, Dont give up. I did and now paying for it, I not going to give up on this SON.I am not going to walk away.
Fight girl, with everything you got....

Be safe.