I'd forgotten about Stephen King's Tommyknockers, he does an eerie way of presenting possibilities of some of the strangeness and mysteries in this world. The movie really struck home with me, but I've yet to figure out why... but then again, alot of Stephen King's stories seem somehow familiar to my general thinking on certain mysterious things.

Perhaps the dreams you have are a knowledge on your subconscious and/or spiritual level allowing you to see what is or may have been going on.
The actual History of earth's inhabitants/visitors would probably leave us in awe if we knew what really went on or is going on.

I have to agree with you, I've often pondered which it is, does life imitate art or art imitate life. It really is amazing how aspects of art or fiction suddenly show up as scientific facts, theories or findings...

I'm glad you liked my hum experience.
I plan on posting it soon...

thinking abduct