@P Debono.<br /><br />Well intelligence agencies can go where they like. If they are discovered then of course the country that "owns" them, will deny everything they can. Many, many countries have intelligence agents all around the world, including us!!!! So you cant just single out Israel and state how bad they are for having agents in NZ. Yeah, its illegal, but everyone is doing it!!! (almost).<br />I agree that Mossad may take out innocent civilians, but I bet they wouldn't purposely target those civilians, unlike the terrorists they are trying to stop!!!!!!<br /><br />So if you dont like intelligence agents going after terrorists in foreign countries, then how are you to deal with them? Going through the legal process would take too long, and for countries like Israel they dont want to take the chance of losing a target or tipping them off that they are under surveliance. In my mind, I go with the lesser of two evils. I'd prefer that if I had terrorists hiding in my country that someone who knows how to deal with them, would be pursuing them.<br /><br />You mention that Helen clark should have gone further. What could she have done? I dont think NZ has much of a standing in the world when it comes to international politics. The most she could have done is apply sanctions. WOW, I bet Israel would really feel the effects of that!!!<br />I dont think NZ can realy stand up and play with the big boys of the world. The most they could do is have a whinge!!!!<br /><br />Lastly, do they place captured foreign intelligence agents in the same prison as domestic criminals???? If they do, I dont think they would mingle!!!! Ohhh and I dont think that a typical prisoner would fair well against a Mossad agent either!!!!