@P Debono. Well YES I did see there mugs on telly. And I agree they didn't look that menacing, but looks are no indication as to their capability. Actually I dont sympathise with the Jews/Israelis, however I do firmly believe that we need to win the war on terror, and at any cost. Sure that may sound extremist, but I believe the only way to win this war, is fight fire with fire. Ohh and do I care if innocent people get killed, well of course I bloody do!!! But how many innocent people do intelligence agents specifically target vs how many do Terrorists specifically target???????????? Not to hard to do the maths there I'm afraid!<br />As to the Poms placing the jews next to the arabs, well no-one else wanted the Jews after WW2 did they???? I think you'll find that the Jews pretty much just took the place regardless anyway. I believe that Israel has its own extremists that need to be blown away just as much as the arab extremists. However, I believe in the policy of "the enemy of my enemy is my ally". Sure this has got us into trouble in the past, but this policy will usually get you through todays fight, just to fight again tomorrow!!!<br /><br />Hmmm, so after all this, what were your thoughts on why those two agents were in NZ?? To commit a crime, but what crime, and why?<br /><br />@Fred, yeah I get around. I was actually pointed to this thread by Trash. Maybe you've seen me on Crime Stoppers, or just recently from a rather embarrasing moment, with a mate of mine in NZ regarding a passport stuff up :-)<br />I've been known to lurk around Sat forums and the like. With your very distinctive name of Fred, I cant say I recognise you, although your red nose, and big black smile does look familiar :-)