g`day phil how aye you?<br />you are right, why do people need to call them and make an enquirie about something they read on a forum is beyond me, youre info has always been on the money, and it was great, something to look forward when it happend.<br />take care phil. hope you can share same news soon.<br /><br />g`day uruguay, 5-0 what`s going on?<br />you miseed undertood me, i didn`t say i didn`t beleive you. and i didn`t ring anyone to find out, my uncle told me, and i had an urgument with him about it, because he`s alway full of crap, don`t worry about it, i don`t think i made or making a lot of sence.<br />also, what do you mean jump tv showed all the games?<br />and if you mean all 5 games, which channel?<br />do you sub this, if so how good is their service?<br />my connection is 512/128 dsl.<br />cheers.