When you test-drive a car, traditionally you think about things like gas mileage, trunk space, or maybe even safety. But day-to-day, your relationship with a vehicle is different.

What about the other features, like the ability to cry in it? Does it have places to set down your fast food? How visible will you be when parked outside your ex’s house?

Vana Dabney and Deirdre Devlin of Honest Monster show you what a real test drive looks like.

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Source: [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2016/09/21/great-gas-mileage-but-is-it-a-good-crying-car_n_12123832.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News]When This Girl Test-Drives Cars, She Wants The Full Experience[/url]