Oh yes Pumpkin Pie now your talking and don’t forget the Green Beans with Bacon and Onions, Candied Yams, Pistachio Pudding Salad then finish off with some Key Lime Pie and Sleep..!! Come on then what's your top 5...
Wow, you've had fancy food! I love the sound of the pistachio pudding salad! I think I did have that once at someone's house (and loved it). My fav is definitely the pie and whipped cream. I love the taste of cinnamon, the colour of the pie being orange, and whipped cream is food of gods to me.
I also do love turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. We didn't have yams at our house (really missing a traditional link here, I know!)...but I do love sweet potatoes/yams now I've made them as an adult...but not yet tried them with the traditional marshmallow topping.
My mom did make fresh bread rolls though...and they were really good. And we did not have key lime pie, but I'd love some of that! We always had a pumpkin, a chocolate (very ridiculously rich and delicious), and apple and often a cherry as well. It was too hard to chose! And after such a huge meal, it seemed almost cruel.
I haven't had a Thanksgiving type meal though now in 13 years. Too lazy to recreate it here in Oz.
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