Smiley face in the night sky Monday 1 December 2008 8pm - 10pm On the evening of Monday 1 December we will be cheered by the unusual sight of a smiley face in the western sky. As soon as the sky starts becoming dark around 8pm the bright planet Venus will make up the left eye with the giant planet Jupiter as the right eye. The crescent Moon will form the smiling mouth. The smiley face will improve and become a little more compact during the evening and will remain in the sky until moonset just before 11pm as seen from Sydney. Such a perfect smiley face is a rare sight and this is probably its first appearance in the sky since Harvey Ball devised it as a symbol in 1963. However, there was an upside-down sad face visible on the morning of 23 April 1998. In the past conjunctions of planets and other celestial alignment were thought to foreshadow disaster and other major events. No such fears need to be entertained this time. There won't be another configuration of crescent Moon and planets like this until 2036.
humm so much for the for the unusual sight of the smiley. I think a great big heard of fat elephant cloud entities have decided to park themselves in front of it and block my view. Thanks Guys … Thanks a Lot..!! Oh well you know what they say… If you don’t succeed try try try try again… It’s a long time to wait till 2036 though but it’s also nothing when its compared to the big bang in the beginning. These Cosmic Cycles started when time started. As they progress through each cycle period another one begins.
The energy is always moving, continuously flowing and influencing the seen and unseen I suppose. So ill wait till the next one in 2036 and see if I can spot it then. Till then I’ll just enjoy the energy journey I guess…….!!
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