mixo,<br />Yes, you r rite. This is Australia, though and providers, no, all businesses have us folk by the short and curly’s!<br />We, as people here in AUS are so complacent that we cop up the arse whatever anyone dishes out! Starting from the government down to your local green grocer. <br />Lets take pay TV for example.<br />Try telling a Yank he has to pay a sub and you charge him to put a box in his house…Ha! He would say: “Your not putting that shit in my house!!! I have a green and purple striped box, which matches my decor, SPDIF Audio, fibre-optic video, and springs that make the box move to the rhythm of the beat. Here is my money, give me the sub card or get plucked, I’ll take my business elsewhere!<br />On the other hand you have us here…”Sorry, how much? $500 bucks?! Gee that’s a bit steep? Well I have no choice, really. Oh ok, I have to purchase the box too, do I? Pardon, its 2 meters by 2 meters big and ways 10kg’s? Ok I’ll have to shift the lounge around chuck out the coffee table and take out the video recorder and it should fit. Sorry? It only does MONO? So you mean my surround sound system is useless? Oh well never mind..."<br /><br />Get the drift?<br /><br /><strong>We need to learn to say “It’s just not good enough!!!" </strong><br /> <br /> <small>[ 25. November 2004, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Vlad ]</small>