Look at it like this, if you could save a buck in your pocket no matter if it was legit or not you would do it.<br /><br />The price of living is going up, everything around it is also going up, the only thing that isnt going up is peoples income.<br /><br />Piracy exists and yes piracy does cause the price of items to go up.<br />Look at the thousand upon thousands of dollars that Foxtel spent to prevent the Analogue Piracy. If the people stealling the bloody signal had just hooked up and used the service then they wouldnt need to spend money on preventative measures, not needing to then put prices up to cover costs.<br /><br />I am a wog and with a wog mentality of if i can get it for free ill take it. But i also understand comeing from the otherside working for one of these companies that it does cause head aches piracy.<br /><br />Just pay for it, if you cant afford it walk away from it!! Most people want to live the life of a King but dont want to part with their money to do it.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 26. November 2004, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: KAOS ]</small>