Farseas,<br /><br />First of you’ll need a protractor, a spirit level and a long strait stick (the longer the better) or better yet a plastic pipe. With your protractor make a 51 degree angle between the spirit level and the stick and fasten the stick to the spirit at that angle. Now go to where your dish is and set the spirit level with the ground. Look up the side of the stick or through the hole of the pipe. If you see blue sky you are laughing.<br /><br /><br />Mind you 51 degrees is quite steep. A tree 100m away would have to be (where is my scientific calculator when I need one), some 120m high.<br /><br />Hight of tree = 100m away X tan 50 degree = 123.4<br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/default/wink.gif" /> <br /><br /><br />Vlad...