For all you who replied after just a note why don't you tell all the named people who call tell as they are calling themselves that they don’t exist???<br />Who are you to deny someone how they should call they themselves even if they say they are from "mars". Who are you (only you from Balkan and you know what I mean who and why you are thinking that way) to tell them NO You are not what you are, idiots.<br />p.s<br />fsking<br />They are bunch of nationalist who are fine only if something or if it comes from "Serbs" , remember the TV Hayat and when I asked yu4gsc (whatever nick) what is wrong with they programming and their saying is "Turkish" what they meant is Muslim and they don't like it. Why ? I tried to get answer but I knew that I could not get it only stupid "just because it is" it was response from the Vlad.<br />So I'm sick of all nationalist or to be more precise national fascist