quote: <br /> <br />However, you can jump up and down all you want but the truth is the truth! Bosnian is not a nationality, neither is a Kosovar. Even the spell checker doesn’t recognize them as valid words. I guess no one told Bill Gates that they formed overnight <br /> <br />Why don't you look in your country statistics that you live in Last Census in 2001 and how many Bosnian declared themselves as such...<br />http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/b85e1eb3a2bc274aca256d39001bc337?OpenDocument<br /><br />As for how much I care what few of you think it is not the point.<br />I'm just telling you to remember it is not what you want “to call us “that is in the past and will never come back .Think who is wrong:- all the world who recognize us,- or You??? Think hard and stop hate it is not good for your well being. o.k. You and I will go but the others will come and go it does not matter what nationality they are because it it short life.<br />So again personally I don't have hard feeling against anyone but I do get angry when I see someone trying to constantly "pick on someone".<br />As for what channel I'm going to watch let me tell you I'm interested only in sport and good docomentary, everyday.If Hayat is same as BN or PINK then is same shit full of turbo folk rubbish and I hate it (if I may say that is there anything I hate)<br />BKTV is o.k. but the rest is for wankers {"papke"}.