What about the rest of the packages that are not English channels?<br /><br />How about improving the German Package ? ok DWTV is ok its German and From Germany but you cant expect Wine TV and Euronews are German channels? just because there dubbed in German doesnt make em good.... where are the top networks for Germany ie. ZDF, RTL, N-TV and the list goes on even having one of these channels would vastly improve this so called German Package you have now....<br /><br />Ok Greek Package not much can be done about it as you have what is available to you there isent anything else available to SelecTV ok Ant1 is an ok channel ERT FTA on most satellites charging extra for it i dont like but hey if people dont want a second dish to recieve it free thats there choice to pay extra for it<br /><br />Ok Vietnamease dont know much about it but surely having a channel actually from Vietnam and not from the USA would improve things....<br /><br />Italian and Spanish seem ok a few more channels wouldt hurt<br /><br />English channels get some variety / entertainment channels its going to be interesting to see what SelecTV get will it be similar to what the rest has ie Foxtel, Austar etc or some totally different channels that we havent seen in this part of the World before...<br /><br />This is just some things i would improve on but hey im nobody its up to SelecTV at the end of the day<br /><br />My 2 cents worth