OK. Thanks for the advice.<br /><br />In my case, I can set "centre-extract" in the "system settings" on my Toppy which then "zooms" the image to fill my widescreen TV but I lose a small amount of image in the process. Having a black border top and bottom is normal and expected for differing aspect ratio widescreen presentations but I didn't expect the black border encircling the image on 4:3 presentations. It's quite annoying and yes, the image looks ghastly on a regular 4:3 TV.<br /><br />My Sony widescreen TV has 5 different aspect ratio settings and the Toppy has two relevant settings and only the Toppy's "centre-extract" setting is of any use in this mode.<br /><br />I would have expected better and more conservative MPEG stream compatibility with a current release and name-brand STB like my Toppy TF3200IR but I guess that's what the studio is feeding.<br />I wish you much success in your venture.<br /><br />Cheers.<br />T.