[]Speaking of radio, yes, DW-Radio would be good, and I' add Radio Netherlands to that.[/]<br />Yes, both of their English-language slots on ABC NewsRadio are good. Speaking of NewsRadio, I found them on PAS-2 (Ku) when I was mucking around with my dish a few weeks ago. Next time NewsRadio is broadcasting football or Parliament I might have another look and see it carries the "normal" programming instead (if it's still there), and if so, I might see if I can rig up another LNBF for PAS-2 on the same dish.<br /><br />[]I can't wait for the extra music package. 10pm, and there's no music on either MTV nor VH1. I miss the Max.[/]<br />I found something I liked (ambient) on Optus C1 (I think. If it wasn't C1, then it would've been B1 or B3) when I was mucking around, but I can't remember the details now.<br /><br />When I think that I can sneak it past the financial controller, I want to put up a second dish, so that I can muck around without affecting my SelecTV setup. I've been checking at Revolve (the recycling centre at the local tip), but all I've scored so far is a UEC 720i.