I thought this was an interesting story. Because of all the cell phones there's a lot of documentation that it was there.

Be sure to click on the picture in the full article to see several pictures of the image.

I think if this image brought comfort and/or an affirmation to the witnesses then as far as I'm concerned it's a spiritual meaningful occurrence.

What do you think about it?

Image In Hospital Brings Some To Tears, Prompts E-Mails
Hospital Calls It An Unexplained Image

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An unexplained image in a hospital prayer garden window moved some people to tears and drew groups of people to a hallway before vanishing, according to witnesses.

Image At Hospital A crowd inside the Florida Hospital Medical Complex in Orlando snapped photos of the image apparently showing the profile of Jesus Christ crying.

Read the full article with pictures:
Image In Hospital Brings Some To Tears
