How interesting.

Lots of food for thought here!

In essence, what we do not know will manifest as what we do know.

This is not only for assurance, but so as not to scare the living daylights out of us.

Take for instance the fact that in truth we genuinely do not know what Jesus may have looked like... What if (hypothetically) "he" was a grossly disfigured female with 4 arms and 6 legs. Would we want that to manifest before us? No! If we saw that, we would run screaming for the hills and likely end up on strong meds in an asylum.

So, for those who are blessed with a manifestation, they see what we commonly know to be the effigy of Jesus... Easily recognisable and non frightening (although perhaps surprising or wondrous).

That incident in the hospital was not the Rapture or Armageddon (call it what you will). Nor are the photos of a flesh and blood, tangible person. So of course, it is not the coming of Jesus.

(BTW, can you really buy pics of Jesus at KMart?)

I think that somebody at that hospital went to the flower garden in their dire hour of need for solace and to pray for the healing of their loved one. I think it's possible that their sorrow was so deep and their belief in their religion so genuine that their god appeared to them.

Regardless of whether it was genuinely Jesus, or just a play of light - if it gave people a morale boost (and in hospitals that is where it's needed most) then that is all that matters.