Originally Posted by deeplyhurtbyDOCS
Dear friends,
You are all right about DOCS in Queensland thet are EVIL!!!! they turne last thursday, with a detective, questioned me and my wife,said they had had a complaint against us. Then our granddaughter was questioned on her own, and then come out of the lounge room and said we will ring you later. That was their first LIE!!!!
At 6pm that evening they turned up at our front door with 2 uniform cops and handed me a TAO (temporary assessment order) rubber stamped by the court. They took our granddaughter and placed her in foster care. They did not tell us what the complaint was nor did they tell our 10 year old GD anything either.
Our GD is allowed to ring us whenever she likes, she cries and say's Pa I want to come home, please make them bring me home.
I had no other course of action, but to hand her over, after all they did turn up in the dark with 2 cops with guns strapped to their waists. Oh thats right some years ago they made everyone hand in their guns, how convenient. It was probably a good thing, because when I went inside to get my glasses, so as I could read the TAO, I might have got my gun and fired some rounds above them and tell them where to go.
Anyway, sanity did prevail and now we have lost our granddaughter. Apparently our GD told them in their interview with them, that I had touched her leg, arm, and stomach, they asked her if that was a good feeling or a bad feeling, she said bad.
So that was the reason they came and took her, they apparently assumed that if I was doing that to her she was not safe.
My GD who is 10 told me that she didn't say the touching was bad because she felt that I was abusing her, she meant that her leg hurt when I would grab her leg to pull her along the floor when we are playing.
The Child Safety Officers once again have stuffed up another childs life by twisting what a child tells them, so they can persue another chance of getting some poor innocent bugger charged with Child abuse.
By the way my GD has no problem with me she absolutely adores me, so does that sound like a frightened little girl who's ghrandfather has done terrible things to her, that bad that they had to remove her from a dangerous situation.
She rings my wife and I twice a day and talks for at least 30 mins. She only wants to come home.
So who has done the damage to our GD ??????? ah...lets guess.......DOCS!!!!! thats right, the do gooders from Child safety, out putting another feather in their cap. Aren't they just wonderful.....big chunder..spew..spew...

Its the second time I have said this tonight I say this to all Its good to see you here but I m sorry you have anything to do with this SCUM of the Earth DOCS.
You wonder why the Howard Government wanted to disarm Australia, the reason why? it had nothing to do with the lunatics that occasionally go on a rampage killing innocent people it was to remove the possibility of Australia's population rebelling against the government.