My last partner was a School teacher.
She is suppose to be educated to understand the needs of the child/ren. her net name was midnightrose_74(you can do a google on the name,also try Snak3).
we were together about a yr.she was with me 24/7,she saw everything i did. we were,as I quoted, ALL good,but not alright. good,cos we had a relationship.not alright,cos of the dogs at DOCS.
this woman for a yr stood beside me, she screamed out the immoral attitude from Docs.
Until the 29th of Aug. at 1:30am. her love for me turn to hate.
DOCS in toowmooba, Frked her mind up so bad with the help of her so called christian parents. Brainwashed her till she hit depression.the child went into kinship to her parents. and to have no contact with the said child. but! where does she live,?. with her parents. which means she got to hold him,play with him and watch him grow.
I,in turn dont even know what he looks like.
I have a rule. I dont 2 time, I dont drink and I dont hit in anger or abuse in any manner.

That one day is one day to far and long, each day is no different, same pains, same hurts,same nightmares.
its been since 2003, that frking 5 hurtful frking yrs of DOCS playing god with me.
3 children came into this world for naught.
2 partners that was ripped away and love murdered.

What price value can anybody place on this??