Originally Posted by DoCS_R_Dogs
If perchance the police are trawling this site the idea that it is a simple plod doing this doesn't add up to me whatsoever.

What I personally find far more likely is that a task force at the policy dept is monitoring all negative communication. Most govt dept's have people who do this and often blog under Mary Smith or whatever at the large daily's.

Fortunately these people are often exposed, and then a large number in any specific forum turn on them on mass.

Serves them right.

Going to the CMC (Cleared Mate Cleared) wont stop this alleged trawling or trolling- their job is to create as little embarassment as possible for the QLD govt.

Case in point: CMC heavied 20 previous complainants about Hurley into withdrawing their complaint.

A mate of mine bagged telstra for months and they eventually contacted him and solved the problem. Now all this was on a public forum where a new member joined but was actually someone in the Telstra management