What have these adds done for me. <br /><br />I can tell you.<br /><br />I came home early yesterday from work and my wife was watching jerry springer and she promted me as i walked pass the TV and said see this is what will happen to you one day.One of those ads was on. I have never hit my wife in 12 years we have been married but I'am sick of her harping on me all the time, I don't raise my voice but she does and gets away with it i'm sick of it I come home in a happy mood and within seconds after she has watched those ads she seem to grow a little muscle and knowing you can't hit her and I wouldn't lower myself doing it anyhow she starts ripping into me for no reason.<br />What a outragous liars she is she tells everyone the reason why i left her last time because i harped at her all the time, but my kids are getting older now and my daughter told my neighbour that mum does all the screaming in the house dad does nothing she screams at dad screams at us and when it got back to her what my daughter said she got a hideing<br />I'm out of here. <br />I got all my clothes, my computer and i'm never going to put up with this situation again, the law protects thes bitches, what about the abuse she give me is that nothing.<br />This federal government can go to HELL! I was going to vote for the howard government in the next election but after this NEVER.<br />Now what about my kids she said she will do everything to stop then seeing me.<br />You wonder why you watch the news and you see what you see is happening more and more like that guy that took his life and burnt his house to the ground.<br />I have been sacked from my job so i can get the dole straight away,as i'm leaving and going on the dole as I will not pay a cent to that bitch, Its not worth working anymore you stuff me howard i stuff you, now you have to pay me and my kids and that lazy bitch money to live.I know IT will be reading this,,,so go to hell with all your interferring devorced bitches.<br />Bye all <br />Phillip<br /> <br /> <small>[ 11. June 2004, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Phillip ]</small>