Dan04<br /><br />I don't give shit about TV+ or UBI, all started when I read on balkan channels sites and saw info that for their broadcast TV+ have contracts. I posted that here, I was banned, framed with that non existing abusive email, insulted etc etc ...<br />All those posts and are posted now on the forum and nobody is banned, only person who was banned over those posts was me.<br /><br />I defended myself and I will in the future. Nobody will walk over me. NEVER, specially not somme pro UBI lying thug who changes sides like wind blows....<br /><br />Than this lazer came and started this business of his, try to hack my forum, abused me etc etc ...<br /><br /><br />Anyway, did you watch the tenis?<br />Roger vs Agasi?<br /><br />Poor Agasi was destroyed.