No ja you are just biased towards Tv plus . I always wanted BOTH UBI and TVPLUS to carry the Balkans channels you only want TV plus to carry them Why?? i know the amount of people that back in the TARBS days that watched the Balkans/Arabic/Turkish Channels on Thaicom3. Now that TARBS has died and UBI has started up the emails have been piling in again from as far as Hong Kong people wanted the Turkish channels/Arabic Channels/ and anything from the Balkans from Telstar10.<br />So what has happened now UBI will be removing BK and BN from Telstar 10 and that has effected all in that part of the worlds that watch them all because of this attitude of a exclusive contract that has hurt the Balkans people scattered around that part of the world. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" />