What bothers me about all this fuss is two matters, one is You must have read the warnings about the boxes being shut off. We know your not on the UBI data base or is it a case that you knew this and deliberately pushed the issue.<br />The Other is I have been reading many threads and I observed that yourself and Vlad are friends and you have been over Phils place a few times. Did you bother to ring Phil and ask his opinion first? and maybe Phil can pull a few strings to get your box turned on again but not to be put on a UBI transponder ever again. Mind you all this agro is not needed or maybe you are not talking to Phil anymore or maybe after this Phil will not talk to you any more. YU4CFG You went about this the wrong way, arrogance never solves anything.<br />From what I know about this Mentor system because I was told by another member that hacks them and is found frequently on the Austech forum in the mile long TARBS thread, the mentor system sends commands down the data stream to any UBI box thats on a UBI transponders and if that box is not on the UBI database it gets locked out. Its one out or all out policy, you must be in their data base otherwise your box will be locked out, thats it.<br />I know another member that back in the early days had his box unlocked but with no contract only to be locked again 6 days later. The system is automatic, it can't pick YU4CFG's box, its simple you are in the database or you're out. If you want to find someone to blame YU4CFG, blame the Pirates for this mess and living in Melbourne I don't have to tell you what nationality the biggest pirates are.<br />And this mob dessimated TARBS/Foxtel years ago and now the same mob are doing TVPlus/foxtel as a package for under $40 per month.<br />These people doing the sharing between themselves as long as no money changes hands for friend and family members, good luck to them but I despise the sellers selling something thats not theirs, thats not on.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 04. September 2005, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: ew_289 ]</small>