Liski,<br /><br />That is OK what are you saying, but what is strange to me is the fact that my box went wrong few times before, due to power failure, being unplugged from the power point or similar issue, and every time I was able, and i was advised from UBI to give them a call now and they will resend the signal so i can watch FTA channels. Now suddenly i can not do it anymore since UBI has encrypted Balkan package. And what REUDER is saying, i could go and say can you re-send me the signal again as i am waiting for the Greek package to be completed and before it is encrypted and UBI would do that. For me, this means that UBI is forcing users to sign the contract before the package is finalized and completed. There is not even one Serb channel as yet, therefore there is no chance that i or someone else would subscribe and pay $60 dollars for one channel HAYAT tv( which you can not call TV station, no movies, no sport, no decent music, no nothing and they hate Serbs more than Karla del Ponte) and other two channels as someone said before, i don't understand Macedonian or Bulgarian, you can include some Turkish channels in the package as well and it would change anything as Serbs do not understand these languages. I will subscribe as soon as Balkan package is completed and UBI brings some Serbian channels. Lets just be honest. I understand you and other who works for UBI - it is normal that you would encourage people to sign in as you would probably get some kind of reword, i work for IT company myself, and if i do something and if result of that is that my company signs a new contract with someone i get reworded as well.<br /><br />I am just confused how something can be done before package is encrypted and can not be done after it is encrypted - something’s wrong here – I feel being “forced” to subscribe here, even though I am not happy with the package as it is not completed. Maybe I am wrong here, who know.<br /><br /><br />It’s just my opinion……