One particular young chap at Uni that I used to know is brilliant with dreamboxes. The last I spoke to him he was telling me he replaced the Da Vinci image to the latest Einstein image and of course to the collection of softcams of his choice. He told me he is bored, he is yawning and has nothing to do, as the almight Foxtel NDS can be card shared and so can the latest Irdeto V5. Actually he can't wait until UBI start doing their algorithm changes because it will only take him one hour and he will be back on again and the way he feels, he would like to invite UBI just to prove that he is better than the rest of you. Do you think he watches UBI? No for christ sake he is an aussie, he just does it for the fun of it, the adrenalin rush, to say to his mates and to prove it that the almighty can be compromised in just 60 minutes or less. Pay tv companies should not have to worry about guys like him because he is better than their best and they're not involved in card sharing servers for profit and gain. Its all about the fun of being able to do it, its just another game of chess for them. But for Mindport, their reputation is on the line here and will they ever win? No!!